Android Question Google cloud TTS


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I got this working great in Python. My java skills are not good someone please look at this :Link: and give me suggestion to make this work in my b4A. Thanks :)

I want to use Google cloud TTS. I have set up my free account but not sure how I hand text over to the cloud to read.
If there is a thread on this I'm happy to read it myself but I just could not find any to read.
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could I use inline java? Also I don't want to create the MP3 file. I want to read the response data directly.
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I see that they offer a REST API. You should use OkHttpUtils2 to access it.
so with OkHttpUtils2 I can use curl

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" --data "{
    'text':'I\'ve added the event to your calendar.'
}" ""
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