B4J Question Google Map error


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I use the following code to load the Google Map:
Sub GMap_Ready
    Private joGMap As JavaObject  
    joGMap = GMap
    Dim event As Object = joGMap.CreateEventFromUI("com.lynden.gmapsfx.javascript.event.UIEventHandler", "MouseMove", Null)
    joGMap.GetFieldJO("map").RunMethod("addUIEventHandler", Array("mousemove", event))

    GMap.MapType = GMap.MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN
    Dim cp As CameraPosition
    cp.Initialize(-25.79886055, 28.32487679, 16)

    GMap.AddMarker2(-25.79886055, 28.32487679, "GOTCHA",File.GetUri(File.DirAssets, "helmet1.png"))

    Pane2.Visible = True
    pnlHistory.Visible = False
End Sub
However, the Map Image does not load and the following image is shown:
This was working without problems.


  • NoImagery.png
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Not enough information here for us to help you.
Here is additional code pertaining to Gmaps:
#Region Project Attributes
    #MainFormWidth: 1200
    #MainFormHeight: 700
        #PackagerProperty: IncludedModules = javafx.web
    #PackagerProperty: AdditionalModuleInfoString = exports com.lynden.gmapsfx;    exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.javascript;    exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.javascript.event;
    #PackagerProperty: AdditionalModuleInfoString = exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.javascript.object;    exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.service.directions;    exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.service.elevation;
    #PackagerProperty: AdditionalModuleInfoString = exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.service.geocoding;    exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.shapes;    exports com.lynden.gmapsfx.zoom;

    #VirtualMachineArgs: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stdout.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stderr.encoding=UTF-8
    #PackagerProperty: VMArgs = -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stdout.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stderr.encoding=UTF-8
    #JavaCompilerPath: 19, C:\java19\jdk-19.0.2\jdk-19.0.2\bin\javac.exe
    #AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar
#End Region
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    ConnectAndReconnect ' MQTT Stuff
    MainForm = Form1

    pnlGoogleMaps.AddNode(GMap.AsPane, 0, 0, pnlGoogleMaps.Width, pnlGoogleMaps.Height)

End Sub
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I too have been experiencing this problem since yesterday.
But if I put a satellite map everything can be seen correctly. I still don't know what it depends on
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Brian Dean

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I have had what might be a similar problem. I am not an experienced GoogleMaps user but a few weeks ago I wrote a B4A demo using GoogleMaps in reply to a question I received in a PM - my first use of GoogleMaps for nearly twenty years. I noticed earlier this week that the demo no longer worked - the app runs but no map appears. I assumed that my client secret or some similar requirement had expired - not something I needed to worry about.

Having seen these posts today I have taken a closer look, testing the app in Release mode through B4A Bridge. The app runs without any error messages appearing in the Log and without any map appearing on the screen. At this fragment of code . . .
Sub MapFragment1_Ready
    Log("Waiting ...")
    Wait For MapFragment1_Ready
    gmap = MapFragment1.GetMap
    . . .

. . . both log messages appear, but no map fragment appears. Also I get the message shown below every time that I recompile the app - nothing like this happened when I first developed the app.

Edit : I now know that this dialogue comes from a Play Protect setting. That is what must have changed somehow - nothing to do with GoogleMaps.


  • Screenshot.png
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Ralph Parkhurst

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I also have experienced the issue reported above with Google Maps under B4J on two apps - both stopped around mid week, although selecting Satellite Map does provide a partial workaround. Interestingly, I have a separate (not related) B4A mobile app which uses Google Maps which is running fine.

The GoogleMaps API 3.57.2 was updated earlier this week: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/releases#2024-05-28. No doubt this is connected with the issue.
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Currently the jGoogleMaps library uses version 3.exp code which was used experimentally by developers. Maybe this is it
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After trying many different Java / JavaFX / JS Google Maps versions, it looks like Google changed something and the Google Maps JS api is no longer compatible with JavaFX WebView.

As a test you can try it with:
Dim we,wvjo As JavaObject
wvjo = WebView1
we = wvjo.RunMethod("getEngine",Null)
Dim useragent As String=$"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"$
WebView1.LoadUrl("https://alerts.skytruth.org/") 'random site that uses Google Maps

As this is not limited to B4J, I hope that we will find more information about this soon.
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Same here. No Ime to display.

Same problem here.

[edit] - MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE works but NORMAL does not and HYBRID displays partially (the "NORMAL" component is missing). So it looks like the issue is with displaying only the street maps.
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I'm currently building a B4J library that interfaces with the browser to have the same functions I had with jGoogleMaps


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I don't know, it's the first time I've even tried with Google. I'm gaining experience now
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I don't know, it's the first time I've even tried with Google. I'm gaining experience now

What's nice about leaflet is that besides using Google Maps (without the need for an API key) you can use a variety of other maps. There are some people on this forum who have created a wrapper and library for leaflet, but it's too old and is severely limited.
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Currently the jGoogleMaps library uses version 3.exp code which was used experimentally by developers. Maybe this is it

While working on my library I managed to get it working inside a WebView. :):):):)

My intuition was right, version 3.56 should have been specified and not 3.exp which uses jGoogleMaps. And so it works correctly.

I don't know if @Erel will update his library. In case I will continue to develop mine

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The issue is fixed with the help of @Star-Dust šŸ™

An updated version was released (v2.01).
What happened is that the JS version was actually not set correctly. This was done in the open source GmapsFX project. The result was that the latest (weekly) version was used - v3.57. Setting it explicitly to 3.56, using @Star-Dust code fixes this issue. It is a temporary solution as v3.56 will only be available for several months. I hope that Google will fix the breaking change or that a workaround will be found. This is a general incompatibility between JavaFX WebView and Google JS SDK.
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