Android Question Google Maps Polyline & Waypoints In The Vicinity


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I have a Google Maps application that depicts a polyline route between two geographic points. I have a lat/long Sqlite database of points of interest that I wish to display where they are in the vicinity of that route.

Executing an SQL 'BETWEEN' query that returns all lat/long points in the quadrangle desribed by the start/finish points is a first attempt but returns too many waypoints that are of no interest. If I could extract only the waypoints within X radius of start/finish locations plus all waypoints X distance either side of the route it would be the perfect solution.

For the resident experts please.......


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as Martin said, using spatialite is the best choice to make spatial queries. alternativly you can code your own spatial routines. I have used this routine (converted from good old VB6) to compute the distance to a segment. You have to use it together with the geodesic Lib ( to convert lat/lon to UTM.

'Calculate the distance between the point and the segment.
'original from
Public Sub DistToSegment(myLoc As LatLng, p1 As LatLng, p2 As LatLng) As Double
Dim dx As Double
Dim dy As Double
Dim t As Double
'Dim dm As doManeuver
Dim dist As Double
Dim px , py , X1 , Y1 , X2 , Y2 , near_x , near_y As Double
Dim p_near As String
Dim g As Geodesic
   Dim u As UTM
   Dim ll As LatLon
   ll.Initialize = myLoc.Latitude
   ll.lon = myLoc.Longitude
   u = g.WGS84LatLonToUTM(ll)
   ll.Initialize = p1.Latitude
   ll.lon = p1.Longitude
   u = g.WGS84LatLonToUTM(ll)
   X1 = u.X
   Y1 = u.Y
   ll.Initialize = p2.Latitude
   ll.lon = p2.Longitude  
   u = g.WGS84LatLonToUTM(ll)
   X2 = u.X
   Y2 = u.Y  
    dx = X2 - X1
    dy = Y2 - Y1

'   Log("dx: " & dx)
'   Log("dy: " & dy)
    If dx = 0 AND dy = 0 Then
        ' It's a point not a line segment.
        dx = px - X1
        dy = py - Y1
        near_x = X1
        near_y = Y1
        dist = Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
        p_near = "P1"


        ' Calculate the t that minimizes the distance.
        t = ((px - X1) * dx + (py - Y1) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)

        ' See if this represents one of the segment's
        ' end points or a point in the middle.
        If t < 0 Then
            dx = px - X1
            dy = py - Y1
            near_x = X1
            near_y = Y1
            p_near = "P1"
        Else If t > 1 Then
            dx = px - X2
            dy = py - Y2
            near_x = X2
            near_y = Y2
            p_near = "P2"
            near_x = X1 + t * dx
            near_y = Y1 + t * dy
            dx = px - near_x
            dy = py - near_y
            p_near = "0"
        End If

        dist = Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
    End If
    'Log("Dist " & dist & " Near " & P_near)
    Return dist
End Sub
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Thanks Guys,

The Spatialite library is no doubt the business for mapping and tiling but I am a mere mortal and it looks like someone's PhD project :) In any case I need to encrypt and there seem to be complications using SQLcipher.

I have arrived at a quick & dirty way of defining departure point/route/arrival proximity waypoints. I was interested in waypoints within ~100nm of track so....

- Determine the overall track & distance
- Define a List as long as the number of database waypoints (about 500 in my case) and populate with a big number
- Step down the track each 100nm making a new geopoint each time
- Compare the off-track distance already stored in the the list and decrement as required.
- Write the list to an SQL field and query by OffsetRange < 100nm

As long as you manipulate the data within a List rather than directly to the database it is quite fast.
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