I have a Google Maps application that depicts a polyline route between two geographic points. I have a lat/long Sqlite database of points of interest that I wish to display where they are in the vicinity of that route.
Executing an SQL 'BETWEEN' query that returns all lat/long points in the quadrangle desribed by the start/finish points is a first attempt but returns too many waypoints that are of no interest. If I could extract only the waypoints within X radius of start/finish locations plus all waypoints X distance either side of the route it would be the perfect solution.
For the resident experts please.......
Executing an SQL 'BETWEEN' query that returns all lat/long points in the quadrangle desribed by the start/finish points is a first attempt but returns too many waypoints that are of no interest. If I could extract only the waypoints within X radius of start/finish locations plus all waypoints X distance either side of the route it would be the perfect solution.
For the resident experts please.......