Android Question Gooogle IN-APP Billing Error

Bill Kantz

Licensed User
Longtime User
I just had a weird experience. I was able to purchase a managed inapp item multiple times on the same device and same account. When I went into Google wallet it was showing all 5 charges?

This is InApp Billing V3
The app does not consume.

Below is the listing from Google wallet. I manually cancelled the charges.

Feb 15, 2015 11:12:18 AM
Purchase (Best Weather APP & Radar)

Feb 15, 2015 11:09:20 AM
Purchase (Best Weather APP & Radar)

Feb 15, 2015 11:01:18 AM
Purchase (Best Weather APP & Radar)

Feb 15, 2015 10:56:11 AM
Purchase (Best Weather APP & Radar)

I thought it was impossible. Even worse Google Play returns the item was not purchased when the app does an inquiry.

This was working when I first published. I tested the InApp because I stopped get purchases.
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Bill Kantz

Licensed User
Longtime User
1. There is no older version without InApp V3
2. There is no consumption code at all in the app.

I can't imagine what the problem is unless Google is having some issues.
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Bill Kantz

Licensed User
Longtime User
The problem is after the purchase the inventory still comes back empty. I am hoping it is a google issue since my dashboard has not updated all weekend. I will wait tomorrow and retest.
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Bill Kantz

Licensed User
Longtime User
Finally figured it out. I had the key from a different app. So Google recognized the key but apparently could not install the inventory and automatically consumed the item. Interesting part was the order and the charge went through fine. This allowed the managed item to be purchased again. Note when checking the keys originally I looked at the first 12 chars and the last 12 chars and they matched. It was almost 30% into the key that the differences showed up. Would have saved a few hours if I looked more deeply into the key the first time. Interesting part the crossed key worked in alpha and beta but failed in production.

Had to setup testing again and put the BillingManager3 Debuglogging back to True.
I found this in the log:

Billing service connected.
Checking for in-app billing 3 support.
In-app billing version 3 supported for com.sailawayapps.bestwx
Subscriptions AVAILABLE.
** Service (ws) Start **
true, Setup successful. (response: 0:OK)
Subscriptions supported: true
Starting async operation: refresh inventory
Querying owned items, item type: inapp
Package name: com.sailawayapps.bestwx
Calling getPurchases with continuation token: null
Owned items response: 0
Purchase signature verification **FAILED**. Not adding item.
   Purchase data: {"orderId":"12999763169054705758.1362791587783715","packageName":"com.sailawayapps.bestwx","productId":"purchase","purchaseTime":1424218288730,"purchaseState":0,"developerPayload":" ","purchaseToken":"fbcjemedmiicehkfobamdofp.AO-J1Ow9E6T9cqCEdcjrioofJX5jmaVCprfEAvcmxlIUoqw21Uv3M1d8u2_VLyrBvt_DrPepSwnOzag8vitWYUSAfvE5xvrdsHGbXVY6Kmd7pmRJMV7gTzl7zS7oVEKGS4uhr7niaiKL"}
   Signature: B0flZlzFFt8pML+rmmnDFjT0xnKAgLg9d+eobbFJEeNGshfE+SP/iK11N9MMaP3zMGkqoSmL3ZkyHx9/b9J0eenxEBcz4UPd7cRwfKNcz9Y+oZkilloY0z4rMR8hMxZHxcPZUAQt53arYLznWsNi/MEearbnqMe6HeLJxQyFZ/usICEFMO6/ASPKMy4MUw887CpGkOP3mxUrTwSOBYJ+Y5fkQaOn63RroyTX8Caiooh9Oa2+CQz8hlmqBH9r9RNhFAJWBwginL4KxWx59N7C6kW9rBSgX9JxYeLDgKzet0/1o6EBQUEg==
Consuming sku: purchase, token: fbcjemedmiicehkfobamdofp.AO-J1Ow9E6T9cqCEdcjrioofJX5jmaVCprfEAvcmxlIUoqw21Uv3M1d8u2_VLyrBvt_DrPepSwnOzag8vitWYUSAfvE5xvrdsHGbXVY6Kmd7pmRJMV7gTzl7zS7oVEKGS4uhr7niaiKL
** Service (ws) Start **
Successfully consumed sku: purchase
Continuation token: null
Ending async operation: refresh inventory
start of Purchases
Owned   false
Psize  0

Billing service disconnected.
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