You have two options.
You can try and wrap and expandable listview (there are many on github) into a library, if you are good with java and know how to create xml layouts.
If not, you will have to create it from scratch with a scrollview.
To be honest it is not very hard to do it. You just need to correct structure.
Type ExpListViewItem(IsParent as Boolean, Expanded as Boolean, Pnl as Panel)
Dim ExpandableList as List
Dim SV as ScrollView
Now you just need to create a panel programmatically with whatever you want(labels, progressbars etc) and add it to the ExpandableList.
To Draw them create another sub: PopulateExpandableList(L as List, S as ScrollView)
I will try to post a more detailed example when I get home.
In the meantime someone else might have already posted something