iOS Question Help for review app on iTunes Connect


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Hi, Erel
i recive always this answer for apple.
can you help me?

  • 2.2 - Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
Thank you for resubmitting your App. However, upon further review we found the following issue unresolved.

2.2 Details

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8.3 and iPhone running iOS 8.3 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Specifically when we launch your application, we found that it launches to a blue screen and we are unable to get it to advance beyond this point. Please see the attached screenshot for more information.

Next Steps

Please run your app on a device to identify the issue(s), then revise and resubmit your app for review.

If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.

For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s). For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).


If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.

If you have code-level questions after utilizing the above resources, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
- complete details of your rejection issue(s)
- screenshots
- steps to reproduce the issue(s)


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If you give me a application start up code (just initialization part), maybe I can help you.
No one can help you without code.
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Hi yes.
let me know if it is sufficient!
Tanks for your help!!

#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: C2Stek
    #Version: 2.2.2
    'Orientation possible values: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight and PortraitUpsideDown
    #iPhoneOrientations: Portrait
    #iPadOrientations: Portrait
'    #If RELEASE
'           #CertificateFile: ios_distribution.cer
'           #ProvisionFile: store.mobileprovision 
'    #ELSE
'        #ProvisionFile: iOS_Development.mobileprovision
'    #END IF
    #PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key><string>Used to display the current navigation data.</string>
    #PlistExtra:<key>NSLocationUsageDescription</key><string>Used to display the current navigation data.</string>

#End Region

Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
    NavControl = Nav
    zoomgroup = True
    Page1.Title = "Page 1"
    Page1.RootPanel.Color = Colors.White
    App.KeyController = NavControl
    NavControl.NavigationBarVisible = False
    ms.Initialize ("OK")
    Constats.ipadsino =  App.iPadDevice
    Dim LV As LayoutValues = GetDeviceLayoutValues
    t.Initialize("Eventi",30000  )
    tmrMapBing.Initialize ("tmrMapBing",300)
    Mess.Initialize ("ScaricaMessaggi", 60000)
    Mess.Enabled = False
    radb1.Initialize(Me, pnlradb4,  "radb") : radb1.Text = "keep me logged in"

    BingGestionePunti.Enabled = False
    'objMenu.showMenu(Page1, arrIcones,  LV.Width/2,  LV.Height/2)
    SQL1.Initialize(File.DirDocuments,    "database.db"  , True)
        Dim ssel As String
        ssel = "Drop Table MEZZISTORIA"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
        Dim ssel As String
        ssel = " CREATE TABLE MEZZISTORIA ([strTEID] VARCHAR(1000),nTime  varchar(50), [strCarNum] varcHAR(5),[dbLon] VARCHAR(5), [dbLat] varcHAR(5),"
        ssel = ssel & "[Speed] VARCHAR(5), "
        ssel = ssel & "nDirection  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nTEType  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nGSMSignal  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nGPSSignal  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nFuel  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nMileage  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nTemp  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nCarState  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nTEState  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nAlarmState  VARCHAR(1000), Address  VARCHAR(1000), Country VARCHAR(1000),  "
        ssel = ssel & " [id] INTEGER Not Null PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
        Dim ssel As String
        ssel = "Drop Table MEZZI"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
        Dim ssel As String
        ssel = " CREATE TABLE MEZZI ([strTEID] VARCHAR(1000),nTime  varchar(50), [strCarNum] varcHAR(5),[dbLon] VARCHAR(5), [dbLat] varcHAR(5),"
        ssel = ssel & "[Speed] VARCHAR(5), "
        ssel = ssel & "nDirection  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nTEType  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nGSMSignal  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nGPSSignal  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nFuel  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nMileage  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nTemp  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nCarState  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nTEState  VARCHAR(1000), "
        ssel = ssel & "nAlarmState  VARCHAR(1000), Address  VARCHAR(1000), Country VARCHAR(1000),  "
        ssel = ssel & " [id] INTEGER Not Null PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
        Dim ssel As String
        ssel = "Drop Table GetUserOwnCar"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
        ssel = " CREATE TABLE GetUserOwnCar ([strTEID] VARCHAR(1000),strUser  VARCHAR(1000))"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
    Dim ssel As String
        ssel = " CREATE TABLE Messaggi (Messaggio VARCHAR(1000),nCreateTime  varchar(50), [id]  VARCHAR(1000))"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
        ssel = " CREATE TABLE LastLogin (Utente VARCHAR(1000),Memorizza VARCHAR (1), Password VARCHAR(1000),Profilo VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'N' ,"
        ssel = ssel & "strName varchar(31),strTel varchar(23),strCompany varchar(47),strAddress    varchar(47),strEmail nvarchar(47),"
        ssel = ssel & "strRemark varchar(47), nTimeout        INTEGER,"   
        ssel = ssel & "[id] INTEGER Not Null PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)"
        SQL1.ExecNonQuery (ssel)
    End Try
    ssel = "Select * from LastLogin "   
    Dim cc As ResultSet
    cc =  SQL1.ExecQuery( ssel)
    Dim i As Int
    i = 0
    Do While cc.NextRow
        i = 1
        If  cc.GetString ("Memorizza") = "S" Then
            txtUser.Text = cc.GetString ("Utente")
            txtPassword.Text = cc.GetString ("Password")
            radb1.Checked = True    
            memorizzapassword = True
        End If
        If cc.GetString ("Profilo") = "bing" Then
                bing = True
                mostraprofilo = False    
        Else If cc.GetString ("Profilo") = "google" Then
                bing = False
                mostraprofilo = False
                mostraprofilo = True
        End If   
    If i = 0 Then
        mostraprofilo = True
    End If
End Sub
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Hi Erel,
yes i have installed the app in some devices in release mode. I have two internal beta tester that can use the app in iphone4s, iphone 5s and ipad 2 correctly.
if you want i can send you all code and the ipa.
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As Erel wrote me:
The first two things that you need to try are:
1. Remove the iAwesomeMessage library.
2. Remove the Try / Catch blocks. Your app will not work anyway if the database fails for some reason. Without these blocks you will get more information if there is an error.
Then try to resubmit your app.

apple is able to open and run the app.!

Regards Paolo
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Hi Ere,
the project was approved by apple after following your instructions.

App Name: C2STek

Bundle Version Short String: 2.3.3
Build Number: 2.3.3
Platform: iOS
SKU: 01

Dear General Soft Srl,

Your app has been approved for distribution through Apple’s TestFlight Program.
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