honeycomb 3.2 - fullscreen issue


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Longtime User
Hello all,

I just started developping on another device. (my previous development was on Android 2.2 devices)
I have this 7" device with a 800x480 resolution, with Honeycomb 3.2 on it.

I want my app to run fullscreen, and this seems to be a problem :-(
I did set the checkmark for "fullscreen" in the project-menu, and unchecked the "show title" in the project-menu.

However, I still can't get my App running fullscreen. The bottompart of the screen stays black.
When I put a messagebox in my application, showing activity.height, I only get "444" instead of "480".

(I think those 36 missing pixels, do correspond with my bottom-menu in honeycomb, but also this menu is not shown anymore when the app runs, this area simply turns black, even when settings the background color of the activity to red, I see a black border at the bottom of my screen)

However with the designer, I can design for the full 480 pixels in height, (even put labels at the very bottom of the screen) Also, my device shows up as a 800x480 (scale 1) device in the designer.

Did I miss something ? Do I need to take additional steps for the Honeycomb 3.2 ? (I'm using the latest 1.8 release with all libs up-to-date)

Thanks in advance,


Licensed User
Longtime User
Small update info:

I updated my Ainol 7" to ICS (Android 4.0.1),
and the problem still remains ...

Best regards,
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel,

well, the strange thing is, if I set my application not to fullscreen, I do see the bottom bar. When I set my application to fullscreen, I don't see the bottombar, that area goes black, and my app doesn't go all the way trough to the bottom.

I don't think it's impossible, because the designer uses the full screen, including the area that stays black in my own apps.
Also, running various other apps (angry birds, astro, etc ...), do go "over" the bottombar, they also use the full screen ...

In the meanwhile, I upgrade to android 4.0.3 on my device, and now my app takes up the complete fullscreen. (FYI, I'm using Ainol 7" basic devices, with a MIPS processor)

Also, I found some screenshots on the internet, about an extra option "interface", which sits between "network" and "device" in the settings-screen of Android itself, with an option called "lights out", this got something to do with hiding the bottom-bar. (But I don't have this option in my android device)
Maybe someone can shine a light on this ? :)

EDIT: found the screenshot !


best regards,
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