You have a list of all your music, correct?
You can start and play a single song, correct?
I'm assuming you are using MediaPlayer, correct?
When you initialize the MediaPlayer, you gave it an event name, correct?
Once the currently playing song completes, a sub is called by the MediaPlayer. In this sub, you will start your next song.
For a simple example:
Dim MP As MediaPlayer
MP.Initialize2("MP") ' Very Important!! You HAVE to use initialize2 to handle the complete event!!
MP.Load("MP3", "Song1.mp3")
Once the song completes, it will call Sub MP_Complete (or whatever event name you give it with _Complete as the suffix). In this sub, you load and play the next song.
Sub MP_Complete
MP.Load("MP3", "Song2.mp3")
End Sub
It's up to you on how you want to determine and keep track of which song will be played next. This post just has the basics of playing one song after the next. Good Luck!