I tried to translate this to B4A, but was unable to:
Cursor cursor = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(":memory:", null).rawQuery("select sqlite_version() AS sqlite_version", null);String sqliteVersion = "";while(cursor.moveToNext()){ sqliteVersion += cursor.getString(0);}
EDIT: I think I got it this time. This seems to work:
Thank you
Cursor cursor = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(":memory:", null).rawQuery("select sqlite_version() AS sqlite_version", null);String sqliteVersion = "";while(cursor.moveToNext()){ sqliteVersion += cursor.getString(0);}
EDIT: I think I got it this time. This seems to work:
Cursor1=SQL1.ExecQuery( "SELECT SQLite_version() as sqliteversion")
Log(Cursor1.GetString("sqliteversion")) 'displays: 3.7.11 on my device
Thank you
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