How to disable Auto-Capitalization?

Lloyd Olson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Auto-capitalization is a good thing, I know, but how does one temporarily override it to type:

Dim in As Intent

or: in.Initialize

without auto-capitalization overriding the "i", leaving inescapably "Dim In"
and "In.Initialize. There is no documentation of this and I have no idea how this was done in code examples posted.

I am getting syntax errors trying to compile with the undesired "I".

Such a simple but maddening thing. Can anyone help?

Lloyd Olson

Licensed User
Longtime User

Hey NJDude,

Thanks for replying. As it happens you helped me once before when I was even more of a noob than I am now. v 2.3 is what I'm using.

I have a 6 activity app that will receive digital inputs resulting in Toasts or starting the next Activity automatically if certain connections have been made by the user. After walking the user through the setup (on a Nexus 7 or similar) I want to begin monitoring and logging an analog signal. So I want a button click on my last Activity to shortcut/start into this single Activity "templogger" app. Both packages compile and run on my Nexus.

Thanks again

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim shortcutIntent As Intent
shortcutIntent.Initialize("", "")
shortcutIntent.SetComponent("com.ioiobook.templogger/.mainactivity") '<--- change to match your package name / and target activity.
shortcutIntent.PutExtra("from_shortcut", True)

Dim In As Intent In.Initialize("", "")
In.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.INTENT", shortcutIntent)
In.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.NAME", "IOIO Temp Logger")
In.PutExtra("android.intent.extra.shortcut.ICON", LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "small_logo.png"))

Activity.SetActivityResult(-1, In)
Activity.Finish Dim In As Intent
In = Activity.GetStartingIntent
If In.HasExtra("from_shortcut") AND In.GetExtra("from_shortcut") = True Then
Msgbox("Launched from shortcut", "")
End If
End Su
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Lloyd Olson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for your reply, Klaus.

I will try it with another intent name and either close out this thread with a posting of the code that works or update it if it fails.
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Lloyd Olson

Licensed User
Longtime User

I tried replacing "in" with "logger" and the compiler gave me a syntax error.
I think this is a bug in the new version, see my recent post.

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