I use the NO-IP website and send several commands on an IP camera remotely.
Rather than ask every time my IP at the same time I send an order, I would get once at the beginning and then concatenate with my following commands.
So I tried using the following program: (Source EREL)
If FirstTime Then
Dim ni As NoIpValues
ni.host = "http://myadress.no-ip.biz"
ni.username = "myname"
ni.Password = "mypassword"
CallSubDelayed2(DynamicIp, "Start", ni)
End If
I do not know how to use DynamicIp. I stated in "string" but I have an error message "Invalid Double" and DynamicIp value is empty ?
Rather than ask every time my IP at the same time I send an order, I would get once at the beginning and then concatenate with my following commands.
So I tried using the following program: (Source EREL)
If FirstTime Then
Dim ni As NoIpValues
ni.host = "http://myadress.no-ip.biz"
ni.username = "myname"
ni.Password = "mypassword"
CallSubDelayed2(DynamicIp, "Start", ni)
End If
I do not know how to use DynamicIp. I stated in "string" but I have an error message "Invalid Double" and DynamicIp value is empty ?