I want to make an App that gives crypto-currency traders useful data. I will use this info page http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=marketdatav2. The problem is the info on this page is huge! I think it is about 2 MB of characters. Is it correct that 1,835,165 characters require almost 2 MB? To keep the info up to date, I want to download it every minute or 2, but that would kill the clients data usage plan.
This is a new area for me so I'm hoping someone can start me in the right direction. I would like to stay in the Basic4Android world as much as possible.
My idea...
The only thing I can think of is to modify the info before the B4A App downloads it. I would have to download this page to my hosted site, make the page smaller by getting rid of the information that I don't need (I don't know what software does this), have the client download the smaller version and the App will do the math.
Any advise on how to do this or a better way to do it will be much appreciated!
This is a new area for me so I'm hoping someone can start me in the right direction. I would like to stay in the Basic4Android world as much as possible.
My idea...
The only thing I can think of is to modify the info before the B4A App downloads it. I would have to download this page to my hosted site, make the page smaller by getting rid of the information that I don't need (I don't know what software does this), have the client download the smaller version and the App will do the math.
Any advise on how to do this or a better way to do it will be much appreciated!