B4J Question How to wait for entering a com port number?


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Since virtual com port numbers frequently change on the PC, I would like to open kind of text box to enter a number to be used as the current com port number. So, in the AppStart modul the program has to wait until the number has been entered prior to open that com port. Is there a simple way to do this?


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Thank you. Of course I had read that tutorial. But reading that my question came up if there were a "simple" way for modal "input". With "ancient" Basic dialects there is the "input" statement that does everything. But in the tutorial two layouts are used -which might be more capable (what is not needed in my case) than a simple input statement.

I have not figured out how to get rid of the second layout (just to use my present layout).

Isn't it possible to get a modal input box preferably by designer?
Thanks in advance.
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