With this library you can use kind of a new view. A Textview which can show a subset of the html-language
Know issues:
- i was not able to figure out why a fontsize dont get used.
But as i like this library i share it with you even if the fontsize can not be changed actually.
Maybe i just tried in in a wrong way. Please let me know if YOU know how this works
tv1.setHtmlFromString("<b><u>Hello B4X community</u></b><br><font face='monospace' color='#0000FF' size='6'>I wish you all a nice Sunday!</font><br><br><img src='https://www.b4x.com/images/Logo_on-dark.png'/>",False)
tv2.setHtmlFromString("<b><u>I LOVE CATS</u></b><br><br><img src='http://snapshots.basic4android.de/cats_dogs.png'/>",False)
Know issues:
- i was not able to figure out why a fontsize dont get used.
But as i like this library i share it with you even if the fontsize can not be changed actually.
Maybe i just tried in in a wrong way. Please let me know if YOU know how this works