Android Question Insert data into sqlite database table


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I can count rows form table but can't save data







('"& unittxt.Text &"','"& pcnotxt.Text &"','"&slnotxt.Text&"','"&repvilltxt.Text&"')")

Msgbox("Birth Record Saved ","")


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('"& unittxt.Text &"','"& pcnotxt.Text &"','"&slnotxt.Text&"','"&repvilltxt.Text&"')")

You check if file exists in DirDefaultExternal and, if not, then copy it to DirRootExternal.
Shouldn't that be DirDefaultExternal?
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Change the following:
SQL1.ExecNonQuery ...................

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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is not required. A transaction is created internally when there isn't an active one.
Are you saying that a begin and end transaction is no longer required when dealing with SQL action queries? I thought that was only applicable to: SQL.ExecNonQueryBatch where a begin/End transaction is automatically created for you.
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Hi Erel,

I am new to B4A. And I encountered the same problem here. I have tried all of the above but still not working. Hope you can assist me. Thanks.
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You should post your code and the error message.
    Dim DBFileName As String                : DBFileName = "reksadana.db"
'    Dim DBFileDir As String                    : DBFileDir = File.DirInternal
    Dim DBFileDir As String                    : DBFileDir = File.DirRootExternal
'    Dim DBFileDir As String                    : DBFileDir = File.DirDefaultExternal

If FirstTime Then
        If File.Exists(DBFileDir, DBFileName) = False  Then
            File.Copy(File.DirAssets, DBFileName, DBFileDir, DBFileName)
        End If
        SQL1.Initialize(DBFileDir, DBFileName, True)
    End If

SQL1.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO Portofolio VALUES (" & "'"& lblnama.Text &"'" & "," & "'"& txtunit.Text &"'" & ","& "'"& lblnab.Text &"')")

Basically there's no Error Message but nothing was inserted into the database. I tried replacing DBFileDir with those 3 but still no different.

I tried using DBUtils.CopyDBFromAssets and got this error message:

DBUtils.CopyDBFromAssets(DBFileName) = \
javac 1.7.0_25
src\b4a\reksadana\ error: unexpected type
mostCurrent._dbutils._copydbfromassets(mostCurrent.activityBA,_dbfilename) = "Reksadana.db";
required: variable
found: value
1 error
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms256m -Xmx512m

I am still new to B4A and just following the UserGuides and Examples but still don't know what to do.

Thanks before.


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I opened the 'reksadana.db' via SQLite Manager. Execute SELECT and no data was inserted.
#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    Dim SQL1 As SQL
    Dim DBFileName As String                : DBFileName = "reksadana.db"
'    Dim DBFileDir As String                    : DBFileDir = File.DirInternal
    Dim DBFileDir As String                    : DBFileDir = File.DirRootExternal
'    Dim DBFileDir As String                    : DBFileDir = File.DirDefaultExternal
    Dim StringUtils1 As StringUtils

    Dim NumberOfColumns As Int            : NumberOfColumns = 2
    Dim NumberOfRows As Int
    Dim RowHeight As Int                        : RowHeight = 30dip
    Dim RowLineWidth As Int                    : RowLineWidth = 1dip
    Dim RowHeight_1 As Int                    : RowHeight_1 = RowHeight - RowLineWidth
    Dim ColLineWidth As Int                    : ColLineWidth = 1dip
    Dim ColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns) As Int
        ColumnWidth(0) = 300dip
        ColumnWidth(1) = 125dip
    Dim ColumnWidth_1(NumberOfColumns) As Int
    Dim TotalColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns + 1) As Int
    Dim HeaderColor As Int                    : HeaderColor = Colors.Blue
    Dim HeaderFontColor As Int            : HeaderFontColor = Colors.Yellow
    Dim HeaderLineColor As Int            : HeaderLineColor = Colors.Yellow
    Dim LineColor As Int                        : LineColor = Colors.Black
    Dim CellColor As Int                        : CellColor = Colors.RGB(255,255,220)
    Dim FontColor As Int                        : FontColor = Colors.Black
    Dim FontSize As Float                        : FontSize = 14
    Dim Alignment As Int                        : Alignment = Gravity.CENTER
    Dim SelectedRow As Int                    : SelectedRow = -1
    Dim SelectedRowColor As Int            : SelectedRowColor=Colors.RGB(255,196,255)
    Dim SelectedCellColor As Int        : SelectedCellColor=Colors.RGB(255,150,255)
    Type RowCol (Row As Int, Col As Int)
    Dim MoveLeft0, MoveX0, MoveX1, DeltaScroll, DeltaX As Float
    Dim Time0 As Long
    Dim Timer1 As Timer
End Sub

Sub Globals
'    Dim DBTableName1 As String                : DBTableName1 = "Portofolio"
'    Dim DBTableName2 As String                : DBTableName2 = "Riwayat"

    Dim scvPersons As ScrollView
    Dim pnlHeader As Panel
    Dim skbScroll As SeekBar
    Dim pnlScroll As Panel
    Dim btnbeli As Button
    Dim btnkembali As Button
    Dim lblnab As Label
    Dim lblnama As Label
    Dim lblnilai As Label
    Dim pnlbeli As Panel
    Dim txtagen As EditText
    Dim txtunit As EditText
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Dim i As Int
    pnlScroll.Initialize("pnlScroll")    ' initialize the scroll panel
    Activity.AddView(pnlScroll, 0, Activity.Height - 40dip, 100%x, 40dip)
    pnlScroll.Color = Colors.Blue
    skbScroll.Initialize("skbScroll")    ' initilaize the Seekbar
    Activity.AddView(skbScroll, 0, Activity.Height - 40dip, 100%x, 40dip)
'    skbScroll.Visible = True
    skbScroll.Visible = False
    scvPersons.Initialize(0)    ' initialize the ScrollView
    scvPersons.Panel.Color = LineColor
    ' initialze the internal column width and left coordinates
    TotalColumnWidth(0) = ColLineWidth
    For i = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
        ColumnWidth_1(i) = ColumnWidth(i) - ColLineWidth
        TotalColumnWidth(i + 1) = TotalColumnWidth(i) + ColumnWidth(i)
    ' initializes the ScrollView width
    scvPersons.Width = TotalColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns)
    ' initializes the Seekbar max value
    skbScroll.Max = scvPersons.Width - Activity.Width
    SelectedRow = -1        ' sets the selected row index to -1
    ' loads the csv file
    LoadTableFromCSV(File.DirAssets, "tetap.csv", True)
'    SaveTableToCSV(File.DirRootExternal, "persons.csv")

    pnlbeli.Enabled = False
    pnlbeli.Visible = False   
'    File.Delete(DBFileDir, DBFileName)    ' used for testing, deletes the existing database
        If File.Exists(DBFileDir, DBFileName) = False  Then
            File.Copy(File.DirAssets, DBFileName, DBFileDir, DBFileName)
        End If
'        File.OpenOutput(DBFileDir, DBFileName, True)
        SQL1.Initialize(DBFileDir, DBFileName, True)
'    If FirstTime = True Then
'        Timer1.Initialize("Timer1",100)
'    End If
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub LoadTableFromCSV(Dir As String,Filename As String,HeadersExist As Boolean)
    ClearAll    'Clears the previous table and loads the CSV file to the table
    Dim List1 As List
    Dim h() As String
    If HeadersExist Then
        ' Reads the csv file
        Dim headers As List
        List1 = StringUtils1.LoadCSV2(Dir, Filename, ",", headers)
        ' Sets the header names of the columns
        Dim h(headers.Size) As String
        For i = 0 To headers.Size - 1
            h(i) = headers.Get(i)
        ' Reads the csv file
        List1 = StringUtils1.LoadCSV(Dir, Filename, ",")
        ' Sets default header names
        Dim firstRow() As String
        firstRow = List1.Get(0)
        Dim h(firstRow.Length) As String
        For i = 0 To firstRow.Length - 1
            h(i) = "Col" & (i + 1)
    End If
    NumberOfColumns = h.Length    ' Gets the number of columns
    SetHeader(h)        ' Sets the headers
    NumberOfRows = 0
    For i = 0 To List1.Size - 1
        ' Fills the table
        Dim row() As String
        row = List1.Get(i)
End Sub

Sub SaveTableToCSV(Dir As String, Filename As String)
    'Saves the current table into a csv file
    Dim headers(NumberOfColumns) As String
    For i = 0 To headers.Length - 1
        Dim l As Label
        l = pnlHeader.GetView(i)
        headers(i) = l.Text
    Dim list1 As List
    For i = 0 To NumberOfRows - 1
        Dim row(NumberOfColumns) As String
        For c = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
            row(c) = GetCell(i, c)
    StringUtils1.SaveCSV2(Dir, Filename, ",", list1, headers)
End Sub

Sub Cell_Click
    Dim rc As RowCol
    Dim l As Label
    l = Sender
    rc = l.Tag
    Activity.Title = "Cell: ("&rc.Row&", "& rc.Col&") "&GetCell(rc.Row, rc.Col)
    Dim tampungnama As String
    Dim tampungnab As String
    tampungnama = GetCell(rc.Row, 0)
    tampungnab = GetCell(rc.Row, 1)
    scvPersons.Visible = False
    pnlbeli.Enabled = True
    pnlbeli.Visible = True
    lblnama.Text = tampungnama
    lblnab.Text = tampungnab
End Sub

Sub SQLSaveBeli
Dim date, time As Long
date = DateTime.Now
time = date Mod DateTime.TicksPerDay
date = date - time

'    File.Delete(DBFileDir, DBFileName)    ' used for testing, deletes the existing database
'        If File.Exists(DBFileDir, DBFileName) = False  Then
        DBUtils.CopyDBFromAssets(DBFileName) = "Reksadana.db"
''        File.Copy(File.DirAssets, DBFileName, DBFileDir, DBFileName)
'        End If
'    SQL1.BeginTransaction
'    SQL1.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO Portofolio VALUES(A,1,1)")
    SQL1.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO Portofolio VALUES (" & "'"& lblnama.Text &"'" & "," & "'"& txtunit.Text &"'" & ","& "'"& lblnab.Text &"')")
'        SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO " & DBTableName1 & " VALUES (nama,unit,nab)", Array As Object(lblnama.Text, txtunit.Text, lblnab.Text))
'        SQL1.TransactionSuccessful
'    SQL1.EndTransaction
'    SQL1.BeginTransaction
''    SQL1.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO " & DBTableName2 & " VALUES " & (lblnama.Text, txtunit.Text, "BELI", lblnilai.Text. tgl, txtagen.Text)))
''    SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO " & DBTableName2 & " VALUES (nama,unit,status,nilai,tgl,agen)", Array As Object(lblnama.Text, txtunit.Text, "BELI", lblnilai.Text, date, txtagen.Text))
'    SQL1.TransactionSuccessful
'    SQL1.EndTransaction

End Sub

Sub Header_Click
    Dim l As Label
    Dim col As Int
    l = Sender
    col = l.Tag
    Activity.Title = "Header clicked: " & col
End Sub

Sub SelectRow(rc As RowCol)
    Dim col As Int

    'Removes the color of previously selected row
    If SelectedRow > -1 Then
        For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
            GetView(SelectedRow, col).Color = CellColor
    End If

    SelectedRow = rc.Row
    'Sets the color of the selected row and selected cell
    For col = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
        If col = rc.col Then
            GetView(rc.Row, col).Color = SelectedCellColor
            GetView(rc.Row, col).Color = SelectedRowColor
        End If
End Sub

Sub GetView(Row As Int, Col As Int) As Label
    'Returns the label in the specific cell
    Dim l As Label
    l = scvPersons.Panel.GetView(Row * NumberOfColumns + Col)
    Return l
End Sub

Sub AddRow(Values() As String)
    'Adds a row to the table
    If Values.Length <> NumberOfColumns Then
        Log("Wrong number of values.")
    End If

    For i = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
        Dim l As Label
        l.Text = Values(i)
        l.Gravity = Alignment
        l.TextSize = FontSize
        l.TextColor = FontColor
        Dim rc As RowCol
        rc.Col = i
        rc.Row = NumberOfRows
        l.Tag = rc
        scvPersons.Panel.AddView(l, TotalColumnWidth(i), RowHeight * NumberOfRows, _
        ColumnWidth_1(i), RowHeight_1)
    NumberOfRows = NumberOfRows + 1
    scvPersons.Panel.Height = NumberOfRows * RowHeight
End Sub

Sub SetHeader(Values() As String)
    'Set the headers values
    If pnlHeader.IsInitialized Then Return 'should only be called once
    pnlHeader.Color = HeaderLineColor
    For i = 0 To NumberOfColumns - 1
        Dim l As Label
        l.Text = Values(i)
        l.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
        l.TextSize = FontSize
        l.Color = HeaderColor
        l.TextColor = HeaderFontColor
        l.Tag = i
End Sub

Sub SetCell(Row As Int, Col As Int, Value As String)
    'Sets the value of the given cell
    GetView(Row, Col).Text = Value
End Sub

Sub GetCell(Row As Int, Col As Int) As String
    'Gets the value of the given cell
    Return GetView(Row, Col).Text
End Sub

Sub ClearAll
    'Clears the table
    For i = scvPersons.Panel.NumberOfViews -1 To 0 Step -1
    scvPersons.Panel.Height = 0
    SelectedRow = -1
End Sub

Sub skbScroll_ValueChanged (Value As Int, UserChanged As Boolean)
    'Moves the ScrollView horizontally
    pnlHeader.Left = - Value
    scvPersons.Left = - Value
End Sub

Sub pnlScroll_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Dim Left As Float
    Select Action
    Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
        MoveLeft0 = -scvPersons.Left
        MoveX0 = X
        MoveX1 = X
        Time0 = DateTime.Now
    Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
        Left = MoveLeft0 + (MoveX0 - X)
        Left = Max(Left, 0)
        Left = Min(Left, TotalColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns) - Activity.Width)
        scvPersons.Left = -Left
        pnlHeader.Left = -Left
        DeltaX = X - MoveX1
        MoveX1 = X
    Case Activity.ACTION_UP
        Time0 = (DateTime.Now - Time0)
        DeltaScroll = (X - MoveX0) / Time0 * 80
        If Abs(DeltaScroll) > 5dip AND Abs(DeltaX) > 10dip Then
            Timer1.Enabled = True
        End If
    End Select
End Sub

Sub Timer1_Tick
    Dim Left As Float
    Left = scvPersons.Left + DeltaScroll
    If Left > 0 Then
        Left = 0
        Timer1.Enabled = False
    End If
    If Left < -(TotalColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns) - Activity.Width) Then
        Left = -(TotalColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns) - Activity.Width)
        Timer1.Enabled = False
    End If
    scvPersons.Left = Left
    pnlHeader.Left = Left
    DeltaScroll = DeltaScroll / 1.2
    If Abs(DeltaScroll) < 5dip Then
        Timer1.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Sub btnkembali_Click
    pnlbeli.Enabled = False
    pnlbeli.Visible = False
    scvPersons.Enabled = True
    scvPersons.Visible = True
    txtunit.Text = ""
    lblnilai.Text = ""
End Sub
Sub btnbeli_Click
End Sub
Sub txtunit_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
    Dim nilai As String
    Dim nab As String
    Dim xval As Double
    Dim yval As Double
    Dim hasil As Double
    nab = lblnab.Text
    nilai = txtunit.Text
    xval = nab
    yval = nilai
    hasil = xval * yval
    lblnilai.Text = hasil
    End Try
'    lblnilai.Text = txtunit.Text * lblnab.Text
End Sub

Basically what I am doing is reading a .csv file (the result of my web scraping) in a ScrollView. After that If you cell_click the SCV than you end up with a panel 'pnlbeli' containing data from the cell_click and EditText(s) for Users to input by themselves. Then I want to save all the text in the panel in 'Reksadana.db' which is now already in my Files tab. That is when the query didn't work (without error messages).

As for the DBUtils, I do not know whether that is the right code to call CopyDBFromAssets.

Thanks before.


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I made the database from SQLite Manager ads on in Mozilla Firefox. I haven't used this app on device yet. The only time I used device is to Debug using a B4A Bridge app.
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From the database on the Files tab and opened it with SQLite Manager? Or Am I wrong? Should there be another database copied in a different directory that I should have known?
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