for an app, which should have the ability, to import vcf files, i am searching the right intent to react for downloaded vcf files on an android device.
I have a log file, where i can find the the download file, my device reacts after downloading and shows all apps, who are able to use the vcf file.
Which intent do i have to define, to list my app inside this list?
for an app, which should have the ability, to import vcf files, i am searching the right intent to react for downloaded vcf files on an android device.
I have a log file, where i can find the the download file, my device reacts after downloading and shows all apps, who are able to use the vcf file.
- image = 'drawable://alert_download'
- title = 'eintrag-1.vcf'
- text = 'Download gestartet'
- cookie = ''
- name = 'download:///storage/emulated/0/Download/eintrag-1.vcf'
START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/eintrag-1.vcf typ=text/x-vcard flg=0x4000000 cmp=android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity} from pid 14841
Recording session end: P
- image = 'drawable://alert_download'
- title = 'eintrag-1.vcf'
- text = 'Download abgeschlossen'
- cookie = ''
- name = 'download:///storage/emulated/0/Download/eintrag-1.vcf'
Recording session done: 1379156628480
Which intent do i have to define, to list my app inside this list?