What's really nice with B4A is that you can do pretty much what you want !
Here is my nixie clock :
- 6x IN14 russian tubes
- 6x Neopixels Leds
- 2x HV5530 high Voltage drivers
- 1x 210V High Voltage step up power supply
- 1x 5V step down power supply
- 1x ESP32 microcontroller
- 1x radar sensor
- 1x light sensor
- 1x (option) temperature + pression sensor
- 2x home made pcbs
And one BA4 application speaking to the ESP32 with Bluetooth Low Energy
Just add a piece of wood (from Vietnam ) a CNC mill, a 3D printer (for spacers and leds' light under the tubes), one lathe (for aluminium rings) and a lot of hours
See it in action :
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