This library contains a selection of Custom Views.
How to Use
- SelectFileTextField: TextField with a file choose button.
- NumericTextField: TextField, with border indicator for accepting numeric input only.
- LinkLabel: Label with a clickable link (url).
- SliderX: Slider with additional property settings (tick labels, tick marks, block increment, major tick unit, minor tick count, snap to ticks, value changing,thumb and track settings).
- ColorList: List the standard JavaFX colors in a colored customized listview. Select color name and hex-value (0x.....).
- ListViewEdit: ListView with editable TextFields.
- ButtonToolbar: Toolbar with buttons (Text or Icon).
- SeparatorLine: Separator Line VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL.
How to Use
- Attached the Library with B4J Source Code, Examples and pdf documentation.
- Copy the file jRLViews.jar, jRLViews.xml, jRLViewsFiles.jar to the B4J Additional Library Folder.
- The library jRLViews should be listed in the B4J IDE files tab. Check mark the library.
- In the B4J Visual Designer, see Custom Views listed.
- Feel free to amend to your requirements.
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