B4J Question kill execute file created by launch4j


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My b4j application transfer to .exe by lanuch4j. its java.exe doesn't killed together when i kill the exe. How could i kill them together ? I have try to use jps.exe but i don't see anything ?


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1. yes,non-ui
2. I use following code could kill process(make with lunch4j) but its java.exe couldn't kill together.

Sub ProcessKill(ExeName As String) As Boolean
    Dim Result As ShellSyncResult
    Dim sh As Shell
    sh.InitializeDoNotHandleQuotes("", "taskkill", Array As String("/IM", ExeName,"/F"))
    Result = sh.RunSynchronous(2000)
    Return Result.StdOut.Contains($"${ExeName}"$) And Result.StdOut.Contains("(PID ")
End Sub
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