I'm displaying the ID of GPS satellites using the suggested code in the Help, which declares the GPS data array without explicit data type, so presumably is string.
The NMEA data appears to deliver the ID with leading zeroes, and on PC either compiled (with 6.90) or under IDE the leading zero is visible.
However on PPC, with the real GPSDriver, the leading zero is suppressed. This would be easy to work-around using a Format(), but why does it arise?
Private Type (ID, SignalStrength, Azimuth, Elevation, Used) sats(0)
The NMEA data appears to deliver the ID with leading zeroes, and on PC either compiled (with 6.90) or under IDE the leading zero is visible.
However on PPC, with the real GPSDriver, the leading zero is suppressed. This would be easy to work-around using a Format(), but why does it arise?