We have two types of BLE module, one with an advertised UUID of 4353 and the other with FFE0.
Is there an elegant way to scan for both UUIDs and list them in the same ListView for selecting?
Currently, this routine only picks up one type, depending on the previously coded AdvertisedID value.
I found that this code will list all BLE devices, so I only need to filter out the two types that I need in the "Manager_DeviceFound" sub.
Is there an elegant way to scan for both UUIDs and list them in the same ListView for selecting?
Currently, this routine only picks up one type, depending on the previously coded AdvertisedID value.
If manager.State = manager.STATE_POWERED_ON Then
End If
I found that this code will list all BLE devices, so I only need to filter out the two types that I need in the "Manager_DeviceFound" sub.
If manager.State = manager.STATE_POWERED_ON Then
End If
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