Hi i post again this qeustion cause i don't see anymore the first of this morning.
I need to choose a bitmap for twolinebitmap in listview for the type of call the customer do, for example:
customer made an ordinary call for take assistance i want put a green ball on the record in listview
customer made an extra-ordinary call for take assistance i want put a red ball on the record in listview
actually i've a server with php code that make possible to the phones to see the call with this php code:
/** while cicle extract record from mysql db and print to web page **/
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
print "<a href=\"visualizza.php?ordine=".$row['ordine']."\">"." ".$row['tipo']." ".$row['cliente']." ".$row['indirizzo']." ".$row['citta']." ".$row['cap']."</a>";
echo " ";
echo '<br>';
/** check if is extra-ordinary call and put in red the background **/
if ($row['tipo'] == 'RICHIESTA CORRETTIVA')
print "<span style='background-color: #FF7F50'>".$row['noteeuroimpianti'].'</span>';
print "<span style='background-color: #FF7F50'>".$row['equipment'].'</span>';
print "<span style='background-color: #FFFFF0'>".$row['noteeuroimpianti'].'</span>';
print "<span style='background-color: #FFFFF0'>".$row['equipment'].'</span>';
/** check if the call is old and i draw a red ball if date is ok i draw a green ball **/
$dataok = strtotime($row['datactr']);
if ($oggi < $dataok)
echo '<img src="/images/verde.jpg" alt="testo" />';
echo '<img src="/images/rosso.jpg" alt="testo" />';
There's something like this i can do with b4a????
I need to choose a bitmap for twolinebitmap in listview for the type of call the customer do, for example:
customer made an ordinary call for take assistance i want put a green ball on the record in listview
customer made an extra-ordinary call for take assistance i want put a red ball on the record in listview
actually i've a server with php code that make possible to the phones to see the call with this php code:
/** while cicle extract record from mysql db and print to web page **/
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
print "<a href=\"visualizza.php?ordine=".$row['ordine']."\">"." ".$row['tipo']." ".$row['cliente']." ".$row['indirizzo']." ".$row['citta']." ".$row['cap']."</a>";
echo " ";
echo '<br>';
/** check if is extra-ordinary call and put in red the background **/
if ($row['tipo'] == 'RICHIESTA CORRETTIVA')
print "<span style='background-color: #FF7F50'>".$row['noteeuroimpianti'].'</span>';
print "<span style='background-color: #FF7F50'>".$row['equipment'].'</span>';
print "<span style='background-color: #FFFFF0'>".$row['noteeuroimpianti'].'</span>';
print "<span style='background-color: #FFFFF0'>".$row['equipment'].'</span>';
/** check if the call is old and i draw a red ball if date is ok i draw a green ball **/
$dataok = strtotime($row['datactr']);
if ($oggi < $dataok)
echo '<img src="/images/verde.jpg" alt="testo" />';
echo '<img src="/images/rosso.jpg" alt="testo" />';
There's something like this i can do with b4a????