Loading a Stringbuilder value into a Panel value


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Wondering if this is possible - I've tried a few ways - and if it is possible - I keep getting the syntax wrong.

Dim sbpnl As StringBuilder
Dim thePanel As Panel

I run into the problem on the very last line during compile - where it takes the string builder into thePanel - I'm not sure if that sort of conversion is possible.
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Longtime User
The next block of code not pasted in my example initializes the panel, adds the view etc...

I was looking to take a value (aValue) and display from variety of possible panels based on what aValue contains. (Prefixed with the "pnl" - although that isn't entirely necessary)
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Longtime User
I was simply trying to invoke one of many panels with a variable for the panel name (thePanel), rather than expicitly calling each panel (pnl01,pnl02,pnl03...).

I used the same Stringbuilder technique elsewhere in code to call subs/maintain current position in the app working fine. Just playing around and testing to see if it worked with a panel to reduce lines of code....
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