Looking for someone to test my version of SLC


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I have written an SLC from scratch as there still seems to be a problem with generating the xml for later versions of java.

This new version is quite different to the original version of SLC.

1, It handles B4J and B4A in one app. (it defaults to B4A but can be changed with radio buttons)
2, It finds all the installed java's on your computer, and lets you choose which one to use. (This takes a while on first run, but reads where they are from a file after that).
3, It remembers which java version you used to compile a project and will set it to use that again unless you change it.

Things I will be adding :
Allowing choice of Android sdk version. (currently it's hard coded for 34)
Remembering the name of the Library so on re-runs you dont have to enter it again.
Remembering the arguments passed (-b4aignore ...) so you don't have enter them again.

I never really used SLC so there are bits I can't test as I don't know about them.

If you want to try it PM me.

** Added (Monaco) code editor so you can edit the java files without having to leave SLC.
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what it looks like so far.



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** removed the monaco editor - too hard to save the editted sources as its web based.

**added richtexteditor in its place, no colour highlighting or intellisense, but at least it saves the files now.

**replaced richtexteditor with AvalonEdit - got colour highlights back and a search function, still no intellisense though.

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Just adding ablity to point at a (source) zip file and create directory structure for project then unzip to /src /lib.

Got the folders /src /bin /libs and project folder sorted.

Now the unpack this file to this folder game starts....
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Sorted the create project from zip and extract to project directory.

Needs a small input from user.
1, Where the zip is located.
2, Which part of the zip you want, the source files directory tree. It's contents are shown in a treeview just pick the node you want and close the form.
3, Which part of the zip file path to ignore for extracting to the project /src folder.
folder path in zip : zippy/java/src/com/company/somefile.java
it will display the path to you, just copy paste the 'zippy/java/src/' part to 2nd textbox and it will extract 'com/company/somefile.java' to the /src folder creating any
folders it needs for the paths.

Shifted the Doclet files so folder looks neater.


Changed some of the highlighting to show B4A keywords better Version, Author, Events BA etc

Added find to editor. šŸ”

Added replace to editor. (NOTE: it is REPLACE ALL not next last or whatever) (Luckily editor has undo in case you make a boo boo)

Added tooltips to controls - saves having to write any instructions. šŸ¤£

Next job, pack the dll's I use into the exe for a nice tidy folder. šŸ“¦
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Dll's all packed away folder looks better

One problem - with all the bells and whistles added the exe is massive 153MB - oh well it was fun writing it.


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Just adding combobox for selecting which Android SDK to use. Will search (using parameter from B4A IDE for installed android.jar(s) )

**update: Android SDK choice is now working.
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Here's the link if you want to try it. (Link will expire on 20th) it's approx 62 MB compressed.

Link Expired

1, Download > extract all to a folder (contains a couple of lib sources)
2, Run superSLC.exe
3, Click browse > choose project folder (example Llama or testProject1) Don't try to select Doclet2, it wont let you.
4, Wait while it finds your installed java's and IDE's (B4J & B4A) this can take a while, the folder path will appear in the top textbox when its done.
5, Enter the library name - this works like -b4atarget but names the library and xml
6, Enter any ignores (for testProject1 -b4aignore com.felhr) Don't bother with -b4atarget this app will remove it from the arguments entered
7, Choose which java to use in dropdown list ( only shows version 11,14,19,22 etc)
8, Choose (If B4A library ) the Android SDK to use. (if 7 or 8 are empty in B4A type then compile button is disabled)
9, Click Compile button. If all goes well you'll see some info and how long each stage took. If it fails on any step (compile, jar, xml) it stops there with a message.

Other buttons/controls
a, Verbose checkbox will output all messages to the textbox so you can see exactly what it's doing.
b, Editor button opens the java source editor - just choose which java source file you want to edit.

Tools menu.
1, Re-scan for java - scans again for java installations (doesn't look in system folders so don't put java in program files) and takes a while.
2, Create project from zip.
This will examine a zip file and open its file layout in a tree view.
Select the folder which contains the source(s) you want (just highlight it and close window) - the app will build the /src /bin/ libs folders and extract the sources into /src
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