Main / Backgroundtask Problem


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Longtime User
Hey guys,

Im coming from iOS developing in XCode...

Now I would like to write my first Android App and found this realy nice Software...

But I got an important question, because I got a little problem.

My code goes like this:

Sub HTTPClient1_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
   Response.GetAsynchronously("Response", File.OpenOutput(File.DirInternalCache, "temp.txt", False), True, TaskId)
End Sub

Sub Response_StreamFinish (Success As Boolean, TaskId As Int)
    If Success Then
      Dim TR As TextReader
      TR.Initialize(File.OpenInput(File.DirInternalCache, "temp.txt"))
      Result = TR.ReadAll
      Dim components() As String
      components = Regex.Split("B", Result)
      If Result.Length <> 0 Then
         Dim i As Int
         For i = 0 To components.Length -1
            Dim parts() As String
            parts = Regex.Split("S", components(i))

      End If
      If HTTPClient1.Execute(HTTPRequest1, 1) = False Then Return
      Label1.Text = "Weiterleitung AKTIV!"
   End If
End Sub

In short words, Im receiving numbers and messages from my webserver (CSV "B" and "S" seperator), and I would like to send a sms to each number/message pair.

If I take the output to a listview, everything is fine. If I take the Output to my PhoneSMS (Phone1) object, it creates the following error:


I gues it appears because I tried to send a sms from a background task.

But how do I call a Main Task with B4A?

I know it in XCode, its [self performSelectorOnMainThread:...]; but how do I do it in Basic4Android?

I would appreciate yours for helping me out of this problem.

Thank you in advance!!

If Im getting better in this language, I will come back and help other users with their problems too!! :)

