Share My Creation MakeCustomClass for B4A

With B4A 8.0 it has been added the possibility to create Custom Classes that can be added to the folder of additional libraries.

The complicated thing is to open the zip file that contains the model of the class and modify it manually to add your own class.

I asked Erel to add a function in the IDE (here), but I do not have the patience and I created it with B4J.

This is my second App created in B4J, I think I can be satisfied with the result as I am a B4J novice. I had to insert Java code (which I do not like) to be able to zip the files into JAR as the operation requires.

I attach everything together with the source code.


P.S. Anyone who wants to improve the code is free to do it, but it's nice to post the improved code for the benefit of everyone in the forum.



  • MakeCustomClass
    4.6 KB · Views: 511
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