Android Question msgbox & csbuilder question

Zeev Goldstein

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got this as a reply to another post

                Msgbox( cs.Initialize.Alignment("ALIGN_NORMAL").Typeface(Typeface.FONTAWESOME).Color(Colors.Black).Size(14).Append(MyText).PopAll, _
how can i add another line to the msgtext but with a different font size for example 12



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Zeev Goldstein

Well-Known Member
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The Link describes the new CustomDialog possibilities.
You can create a Dialog box like you wish.

You can not change the Android MsgBox layout. But with the CustomDialog you can create your own.
not sure we’re on the same page.
the code i use changes the font size in the msgbox - this works fine
i can set font size and it allows me to use longer text for messahe.
now, i would like to have most of the text in one size and an element in another size (smaller)

the example you sent as far as i could see (and understand) are for either input dialog or time controlled dialog
i do not need dataentry...
by the way - in the custome dialog on the link - i couldn't find where i set the prompt for the input fields - like first name to be changed to "eye color"
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