thanks to Klaus, DonManfred and Johan Schoeman.
I use the "Custom listview" by Klaus and I would like to have a "multi select spinner". Klaus refers to the "B4EXCEPT guide/12.4.2 Adding a custom view by code"
I then the class module/custom view is created.
So I create a panel on the custom list view.
How can i now on the new panel of the custom list view a "multi-select spinner" view or in place of the new panel just a "multi-select spinner"
Thank you for your help.
greeting RauchG
Translated with "babylon"
thanks to Klaus, DonManfred and Johan Schoeman.
I use the "Custom listview" by Klaus and I would like to have a "multi select spinner". Klaus refers to the "B4EXCEPT guide/12.4.2 Adding a custom view by code"
I then the class module/custom view is created.
Public Sub AddToParent(Parent As Panel, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int)
mBase.Color = Colors.Green
Parent.AddView(mBase, Left, Top, Width, Height)
End Sub
So I create a panel on the custom list view.
clsTest2.AddToParent(P, 2dip, 83dip, 338dip, 48dip)
How can i now on the new panel of the custom list view a "multi-select spinner" view or in place of the new panel just a "multi-select spinner"
Thank you for your help.
greeting RauchG
Translated with "babylon"