NETCFv2 vs NETCFv1 w/Version 6


Licensed User

What do I need to change in V6 to compile with Framework 1.

I tried to unchecked the optimized setting during compilation (device EXE) and that didn't work.

It was working before I upgraded to Version 6. Program would run on a CE net 4.2.

I can not install NETCFv2 at this time.


Put Claude

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Longtime User

I now the problem for working in NET 1: you have to delete line
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>
in the 'Dbasic.exe.config'.

Be aware of the fact that if you used the early SerialDevice.dll 28K model, your serial app. may not work with the SerialDevice.dll 16K model, this wass the case to me...

Put Claude Belgium


Licensed User
HOW to make difference between the 2 Dll

Hi Put claude.
I've got a problem with GPS4PPC. With serial2.dll is KO, with Serialdevice.dll, the connection doesn't stay more than few second.

Perhaps, the serialdevice.dll is not the good. But, how can I see if there is 16K or 28K ?