a) How is it different than Timer1.Enabled?
Timer1.Enabled "starts" or "stops" the timer's "activity" (can I say "its countdown"?). Timer1.IsEnabled should be used to check if it was enabled (started).
b) You can disable the timer to pause it and then enable it to resume it.
I can (will) try but if you disable and then re-enable the timer, it will start from 0 (please, let me write in Italian
I mean: if I wanted to suspend the timer?
I set Timer1.Interval to 1 minute; then I need to do something when the minute is not passed (or simply the user presses Home). I have to create a process global variable which stores the time passed and on activity resume I have to set the new Timer1's interval to the difference, the remaining time. Also, I have to reset again the Interval to 1 minute.
With Timer1.Pause - Timer1.Resume:
Sub Activity_Pause(...)
If not(UserClosed) then
Sub Activity_Resume
' Here I could have the need of: If Timer1.IsEnabled Then