Cableguy Expert Licensed User Longtime User May 11, 2020 #1 ZX Spectrum Next Accelerated review — The MagPi magazine Raspberry Pi Zero adds audio and realistic loading to this reimagined ZX Spectrum computer
ZX Spectrum Next Accelerated review — The MagPi magazine Raspberry Pi Zero adds audio and realistic loading to this reimagined ZX Spectrum computer
LucaMs Expert Licensed User Longtime User May 11, 2020 #2 Is there any way to renew me too? Let's say only 30 years. ?
rabbitBUSH Well-Known Member Licensed User May 12, 2020 #3 @Cableguy ! as someone said the other day : NICE TO READ YOU AGAIN been a while off this line . . . .I began to worry @LucaMs : NOT a hope in the holy see . . . . .join the club I'm coming back as a 23.5 year old vampire . . . . . Nice mag Magpi
@Cableguy ! as someone said the other day : NICE TO READ YOU AGAIN been a while off this line . . . .I began to worry @LucaMs : NOT a hope in the holy see . . . . .join the club I'm coming back as a 23.5 year old vampire . . . . . Nice mag Magpi
ilan Expert Licensed User Longtime User May 19, 2020 #4 LucaMs said: Is there any way to renew me too? Let's say only 30 years. ? Click to expand... i wonder where the HDMI output will be (???)
LucaMs said: Is there any way to renew me too? Let's say only 30 years. ? Click to expand... i wonder where the HDMI output will be (???)