I have a panel with three RadioButtons, when I activate the ToggleButton on a label tells me the current position of RadioButton Label on and in another position the next RadioButton, it é miss using "Select / End Select 'as I can create a loop (Do While or For Next) that can know the current position and show a RadioButton Label next.
Thank you.
I have a panel with three RadioButtons, when I activate the ToggleButton on a label tells me the current position of RadioButton Label on and in another position the next RadioButton, it é miss using "Select / End Select 'as I can create a loop (Do While or For Next) that can know the current position and show a RadioButton Label next.
Thank you.
Sub rbtTest_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
rbt = Sender
RadioButtonIndex = rbt.Tag
lblActualPosition.Text = "Actual Position " & rbt.tag
resultat = rbt.tag
End Sub
Sub ToggleButton1_CheckedChange(Checked As Boolean)
resultat2 = resultat
If ToggleButton1.Checked = True Then
Timer1.Enabled = True
lblActualPosition.Text = lblActualPosition.Text
Select resultat2
Case 1
lblNextPosition.Text = "Next Position RadioButton 2"
Case 2
lblNextPosition.Text = "Next Position RadioButton 3"
Case 3
lblNextPosition.Text = "Next Position RadioButton 1"
End Select
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub