I'm trying to use the default ActionBar under API 15 (4.03)
I've defined an AVD with 720x1280/xhdpi, and put 3 xhdpi (48x48) icons from the Android development site into Files.
I've defined a 720x1280 variant.
I load the icons using:
mnu1.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "2_action_about.png")
Activity.AddMenuItem3("about", "mnuPage1", mnu1, True)
mnu2.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "2_action_settings.png")
Activity.AddMenuItem3("settings", "mnuPage2", mnu2, True)
mnu3.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "2_action_help.png")
Activity.AddMenuItem3("help", "mnuPage3", mnu3, True)
When I run the app using the emulator, I only see 2 icons. The 3rd menu item exists, but it is behind the Overflow Menu dots.
There appears to be plenty of space. Is there something I'm missing?
I've defined an AVD with 720x1280/xhdpi, and put 3 xhdpi (48x48) icons from the Android development site into Files.
I've defined a 720x1280 variant.
I load the icons using:
mnu1.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "2_action_about.png")
Activity.AddMenuItem3("about", "mnuPage1", mnu1, True)
mnu2.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "2_action_settings.png")
Activity.AddMenuItem3("settings", "mnuPage2", mnu2, True)
mnu3.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "2_action_help.png")
Activity.AddMenuItem3("help", "mnuPage3", mnu3, True)
When I run the app using the emulator, I only see 2 icons. The 3rd menu item exists, but it is behind the Overflow Menu dots.
There appears to be plenty of space. Is there something I'm missing?