If the instrument can be remotely controlled then obviously the communication library can interact with the instrument so it does make sense to expose an internal interface there so it can also be controlled locally. However I wasn't expecting it to be there as I personally would have kept the Communication library dedicated to remote use and exposed a local interface independently.
There isn't a class called TStation in the Communication library but there is one called TSControl which looks like it does the business. Attached is a text files with the events, methods, properties and data structures that it implements. Does it look like what you expect? Perhaps you can confirm with Nikon that this is the correct class and check that they really don't have any documentation for this class as they have seemed to indicate.
Do you have any documentation for remote operation? I would expect the commands available remotely to map onto the methods and properties of TSControl.
It looks like a fairly straightforward but long-winded task to expose TSControl as a Basic4ppc library. Whether there is a showstopper hidden along the way is impossible to tell at the moment but if the remote commands offer the functionality you need then there is a good chance that it would work. Unfortunately the obfuscation of the code makes it difficult to see what is really going on.
As I am retired I am reluctant to make a commitment to produce this library as it would mean taking responsibility for what is likely to be a large amount of your time and effort and involve me in quite a lot of work. Distance and the fact that I am no longer set up for Compact Framework development are also factors. Do you know anyone locally who is familiar with C# and either Visual Studio or SharpDevelop? I could provide him/her with some sample code and explanation as to how to do the Basic4ppc dependent part of the coding and you might be able to give him/her the insight of which of those properties and methods in TSControl are of use to you.