php,mysql please help


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Here's the code:

ExecuteRemoteQuery("http://"&base&"/android.php?id=" & id & "&fecha="&fecha&"&hora="&hora&"&nombre="&nombre&"&longitud=" &longitud&"&latitud="&latitud,1)

end the php code:

$databasehost = "localhost";
$databasename = "afichar";
$databaseusername ="root";
$databasepassword = "";

$con = mysql_connect($databasehost,$databaseusername,$databasepassword) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($databasename,$con) or die(mysql_error());


$sql="INSERT INTO horarios (id,fecha,hora,nombre,longitud,latitud) VALUES ('$id,'$fecha','$hora','$nombre','$longitud','$latitud')";

If I remove everything and leave you alone "hora" inserted into the database, if I put the rest of the fields are not.
I've been looking but no longer do.


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One thing that I see is that in your query you define 'fecha' for example, while in your php, you have 'fetcha1'. Same goes for all other variables.
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It could be an encoding problem...

In B4A are you properly url encoding your GET values?
Use the StringUtils library and it's EncodeUrl method to encode the request's GET parameter values.

Now in PHP you need to use the PHP urldecode method to decode each $_GET value.

You only really need to do this for string values NOT numeric values.

An example:


You should also prevent MySQL injection attacks by using the PHP mysql_real_escape_string method on all strings passed to your script:

So the previous example becomes:


If a numeric value is passed to a script you can prevent MySQL injection attacks by casting it to the appropriate PHP numeric type.
Assume $_GET['my_number'] is an integer, the PHP to use would be:

$my_number=(int) $_GET['my_number'];

If the numeric value is a float or double you need to cast to one of those types, see here: PHP: Type Juggling - Manual.

With all of that done you can test your script again, if it fails then test using a desktop browser to make things easier to debug.
Add a line to the end of your script:

$sql="INSERT INTO horarios (id,fecha,hora,nombre,longitud,latitud) VALUES ('$id,'$fecha','$hora','$nombre','$longitud','$lat itud')";
 echo "query was: $sql";
 echo "<br>";
 echo mysql_error();

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Thank you very much.
Not that I am failing, I've gone over a thousand times but nothing.
This is the b4a code:

ExecuteRemoteQuery("http://"&base&"/android.php?id=" & id & "&fecha="&fecha&"&hora="&hora&"&nombre="&nombre&"&longitud=" &longitud&"&latitud="&latitud,1)
End Sub

Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery(Query As String, TaskId As Int)
Dim req As HttpRequest
req.InitializePost2(Query, Query.GetBytes("UTF8"))
hc.Execute(req, TaskId)
ProgressDialogShow("Subiendo datos")
End Sub

And the php code:

$con = mysql_connect($databasehost,$databaseusername,$databasepassword) or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($databasename,$con) or die(mysql_error());


$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
$fecha = mysql_real_escape_string($fecha);
$hora = mysql_real_escape_string($hora);
$nombre = mysql_real_escape_string($nombre);
$longitud = mysql_real_escape_string($longitud);
$latitud = mysql_real_escape_string($latitud);

$sql="INSERT INTO horarios (id,fecha,hora,nombre,longitud,latitud) VALUES ('$id,'$fecha','$hora','$nombre','$longitud','$latitud')";
echo "query was: $sql";
echo "<br>";
echo mysql_error();

I try with urldecode at php code but nothing.
:sign0013: but i´m lost.
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I know nothing about PHP, but aren't you missing a single quote in this line, to the right of $id
$sql="INSERT INTO horarios (id,fecha,hora,nombre,longitud,latitud) VALUES ('$id,'$fecha','$hora','$nombre','$longitud','$lat itud')";
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That's what happens when nerves are raw skin,:BangHead: Mahares thank you very much, that was the problem and was not able to see it.
Thanks to all
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