B4J Question Play Sound or Music in B4J...

Hi expert:

I was looking for program code to reproduce Voice or music in dir&files (wav, avi, mp3 and others) store in my PC

Play Sound or Music in B4J...

I need to reproduce voices and music in B4J.

Thanks for you help me.


PS. My english is not good (sorry)
Hello Experts:

I have one ListView of 100 in Internal Designer in my B4J.

I get one photo in file and I will need in all ListView.

Please, I need source code about it.

Sorry, my english.

En el Internal Designer utilicé el ListView para almacenar 100 fotos que necesito en mi programa.

Necisito Souce Code para cargar (pasar) desde una carpeta un foto en jpg o png a cada elemento del ListView.
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Longtime User
Deberias crear un nuevo thread por esta nueva question.
Tambem deberias intentar tu mismo e cercar dentro el fórum los exemplos que existen

You should have started a new thread for this new issue. You should also try yourself to come up with a solution, and then ask for HELP, not fora working solution.... For that, you have plenty examples in the forum
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