Please Help Me


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Hello my name is William

I was very happy to have found Basic4PP. It did give me a chance for two little Apps.
The first just a little Dbase App. And I really like the way this App turned out. Klaus, DANKE DIR VOM HERZEN fuer deine sehr grosse Hilfe!
The second App For me in mind had been a Navigation App, using my own Map and have your Position shown using GPS. My Last Wish, my own little GPS App. for the Field, I will NOT finisch.
This had been my Wish. Now is no time left for that.
The next lines are for me are very sad , but I want to write.
We are a poor Fam., with four Children. I have lost my Job, with the German Telekom about 11 years ago. Since that time, it has been very hard on all of us! But we were Strong as a Team!
Five years ago I Lost my Dad, since the I have been Sick. But we were Strong as a Team!

On 03.02.2010 I Lost my biggest Treasure of all. My Wife.
So ask me the Question are we still strong? I must answer at this time I do not know.Four Children without a Mama.
My last wish, ask forum members to write a little GPS APP. for Mr. William Chatman.

I will always be Greatful! To all of you that help.

Klaus, hilfts du mir bitte, damit mein kleiner traum war wird fuer mich?


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William, I am sending you my sincerest condolences.


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My deepest condolances for your loss, i hope you and your children find the power.




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thank you all very much for your KIND words. I do not spent time on my App's.

The Children are taking Mom's absence though, but Daughter with 14 is very strong. William Jr. with the Age of 10 ist having the hardest time with the loss, of my little Treasure. and myself, well... were hanging in there.

take care.

William Sen.