Hello my name is William
I was very happy to have found Basic4PP. It did give me a chance for two little Apps.
The first just a little Dbase App. And I really like the way this App turned out. Klaus, DANKE DIR VOM HERZEN fuer deine sehr grosse Hilfe!
The second App For me in mind had been a Navigation App, using my own Map and have your Position shown using GPS. My Last Wish, my own little GPS App. for the Field, I will NOT finisch.
This had been my Wish. Now is no time left for that.
The next lines are for me are very sad , but I want to write.
We are a poor Fam., with four Children. I have lost my Job, with the German Telekom about 11 years ago. Since that time, it has been very hard on all of us! But we were Strong as a Team!
Five years ago I Lost my Dad, since the I have been Sick. But we were Strong as a Team!
On 03.02.2010 I Lost my biggest Treasure of all. My Wife.
So ask me the Question are we still strong? I must answer at this time I do not know.Four Children without a Mama.
My last wish, ask forum members to write a little GPS APP. for Mr. William Chatman.
I will always be Greatful! To all of you that help.
Klaus, hilfts du mir bitte, damit mein kleiner traum war wird fuer mich?
I was very happy to have found Basic4PP. It did give me a chance for two little Apps.
The first just a little Dbase App. And I really like the way this App turned out. Klaus, DANKE DIR VOM HERZEN fuer deine sehr grosse Hilfe!
The second App For me in mind had been a Navigation App, using my own Map and have your Position shown using GPS. My Last Wish, my own little GPS App. for the Field, I will NOT finisch.
This had been my Wish. Now is no time left for that.
The next lines are for me are very sad , but I want to write.
We are a poor Fam., with four Children. I have lost my Job, with the German Telekom about 11 years ago. Since that time, it has been very hard on all of us! But we were Strong as a Team!
Five years ago I Lost my Dad, since the I have been Sick. But we were Strong as a Team!
On 03.02.2010 I Lost my biggest Treasure of all. My Wife.
So ask me the Question are we still strong? I must answer at this time I do not know.Four Children without a Mama.
My last wish, ask forum members to write a little GPS APP. for Mr. William Chatman.
I will always be Greatful! To all of you that help.
Klaus, hilfts du mir bitte, damit mein kleiner traum war wird fuer mich?