Hi, following the advices about screen design I have all done in 380x420 with AutoScaleAll and anchors and in some cases a variant to landscape mode.
It seams to go well even in tablets but today a friend bought a Samsung S6 which has a thin and large screen and... see images of the main menu.
Im using
in the button to have this kind of icons.
Do I have to change the FontSize depending on the screen size?
May this be done with the designer?
It seams to go well even in tablets but today a friend bought a Samsung S6 which has a thin and large screen and... see images of the main menu.
Im using
Private FA As FontAwesome
bTenencia.Typeface = FA.FontAwesomeTypeface
bTenencia.Text = FA.GetFontAwesomeIconByName("fa-money") & " Tenencia"
Do I have to change the FontSize depending on the screen size?
May this be done with the designer?