Guten Morgen,
ich möchte, das beim Start meiner Application ein Progress-Dialog mit ProgressDialogShow(...) angezeigt werden soll. Es spielt keine Rolle, wo ich den Befehl hinsetze, denn der Dialog wird nicht angezeigt. Er soll als erster Befehl in der Sub Globals angezeigt werden und in der Sub Activity_Create, nach Abarbeitung der Sub, wieder geschlossen werden.
Ich weiss nicht wo mein Fehler steckt. Da bekanntlicher Weise, vier oder mehr Augen auch mehr sehen, als zwei Augen, möchte ich euch bitten, mal über meinen nachfolgenden Quellcode zu schauen, damit das Problem gelöst wird.
Vielen Dank für euere Hilfe im Voraus.
Good morning,
I wish that when I launch my application with a progress dialog to show ProgressDialogShow(...) are displayed. It does not matter where I sit command, because the dialog is not displayed. Want it to appear as the first command in the sub globals and in the sub Activity_Create, after processing the sub, to be closed again.
I do not know where is my mistake. As a known manner, four or more eyes see more than two eyes, I would ask you to visit on my next source code, so the problem is solved.
Thank you for your help in advance.
ich möchte, das beim Start meiner Application ein Progress-Dialog mit ProgressDialogShow(...) angezeigt werden soll. Es spielt keine Rolle, wo ich den Befehl hinsetze, denn der Dialog wird nicht angezeigt. Er soll als erster Befehl in der Sub Globals angezeigt werden und in der Sub Activity_Create, nach Abarbeitung der Sub, wieder geschlossen werden.
Ich weiss nicht wo mein Fehler steckt. Da bekanntlicher Weise, vier oder mehr Augen auch mehr sehen, als zwei Augen, möchte ich euch bitten, mal über meinen nachfolgenden Quellcode zu schauen, damit das Problem gelöst wird.
Vielen Dank für euere Hilfe im Voraus.
Good morning,
I wish that when I launch my application with a progress dialog to show ProgressDialogShow(...) are displayed. It does not matter where I sit command, because the dialog is not displayed. Want it to appear as the first command in the sub globals and in the sub Activity_Create, after processing the sub, to be closed again.
I do not know where is my mistake. As a known manner, four or more eyes see more than two eyes, I would ask you to visit on my next source code, so the problem is solved.
Thank you for your help in advance.
Sub Globals
ProgressDialogShow("Installierte Apps werden ermittelt und" & CRLF & "Favoritenlise wird gelesen!")
Dim PM As PackageManager
Dim AllApps As Map
Dim FavApps As Map
Dim tabApps As TabHost
Dim lstAllApps As ListView
Dim lstFavApps As ListView
Dim hLine1 As ImageView
Dim lblLicTo As Label
Dim lblSupportMail As Label
Dim lblStrasse As Label
Dim lblPLZuOrt As Label
Dim lblUrl As Label
Dim lblUserReg As Label
Dim lblUserIMEI As Label
Dim btnRegister As Button
Dim ActivPage As Int
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim in As Intent
Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
Dim bmp As Bitmap
Dim bmp2 As Bitmap
Dim imgClose As Bitmap
Dim imgOpt As Bitmap
Dim imgExit As Bitmap
Dim imgOrder As Bitmap
Dim Package As String
Dim AllPackages As List
Dim FavPackages As List
Dim AllLabels As List
Dim FavLabels As List
Dim Apps As Map
Dim Lable As String
Dim Add As Boolean
Dim Items As Int
If (Global.Registered = True) Then
Global.FavIni.LoadDeviceIniFile(Global.cFavIniPath & "\" & Global.cFavIniFile)
If Global.FavIni.LastError.Length = 0 Then
Items = Global.FavIni.getValuesNumbers("Packages")
If (Items > 0) Then
For i = 0 To Items - 1
Package = Global.FavIni.getKeyStringValue("Packages", "APK" & (i + 1), "")
End If
If (FavPackages.Size > 0) Then
For i = 0 To FavPackages.Size - 1
Package = FavPackages.Get(i)
in = pm.GetApplicationIntent(Package)
If in.IsInitialized Then
Lable = PM.GetApplicationLabel(Package)
FavApps.Put(Lable, Package)
End If
End If
End If
End If
AllPackages = PM.GetInstalledPackages
If (AllPackages.Size > 0) Then
For i = 0 To AllPackages.Size - 1
Package = AllPackages.Get(i)
in = pm.GetApplicationIntent(Package)
If (in.IsInitialized) Then
Lable = PM.GetApplicationLabel(Package).Trim
AllApps.Put(Lable, Package)
End If
Msgbox("Keine Applikationen installiert!" & CRLF & "Programm wird beendet.", "Error")
End If
imgClose.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "Close.png")
imgOpt.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "options.png")
imgExit.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "exit.png")
imgOrder.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "ordering.png")
If (Global.Registered = False) Then
Activity.AddMenuItem2("Bestellung erstellen", "mnuSendOrder", imgOrder)
Lable = "Service "
End If
Activity.AddMenuItem2("Einstellungen", "mnuSettings", imgOpt)
Activity.AddMenuItem2(Lable & "schliessen", "mnuAppClose", imgClose)
Activity.AddMenuItem2(Lable & "beenden", "mnuAppExit", imgExit)
ActivPage = 0
bmp = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "allApps.png")
bmp2 = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "allAppsSel.png")
tabApps.AddTabWithIcon ("alle Apps", bmp, bmp2, "AllApps")
If (Global.Registered) Then
bmp = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "favApps.png")
bmp = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "NonfavApps.png")
End If
tabApps.AddTabWithIcon ("Favoriten", bmp, bmp, "FavApps")
bmp = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "about.png")
tabApps.AddTabWithIcon ("Über", bmp, bmp, "About")
lstAllApps.ScrollingBackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent
lstAllApps.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 100dip
lstAllApps.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 20
lstAllApps.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.Blue
lstAllApps.SingleLineLayout.Label.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
lstAllApps.FastScrollEnabled = True
lstFavApps.ScrollingBackgroundColor = Colors.Transparent
lstFavApps.SingleLineLayout.ItemHeight = 100dip
lstFavApps.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextSize = 20
lstFavApps.SingleLineLayout.Label.TextColor = Colors.Blue
lstFavApps.SingleLineLayout.Label.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
lstFavApps.FastScrollEnabled = True
lblUserIMEI.Text = "IMEI-Nr.: " & Global.PhoneId.GetDeviceId
tabApps.CurrentTab = 0
If (Global.Registered = True) AND (FavLabels.Size > 0) Then
FavLabels = Global.FavIni.sortList(FavLabels)
For i = 0 To FavLabels.Size - 1
Package = FavApps.Get(FavLabels.Get(i))
Lable = PM.GetApplicationLabel(Package)
Add = True
If (Package.ToLowerCase = "") AND (Lable.ToLowerCase = "application-favorites") Then
Global.cVersion = " v" & pm.GetVersionName(Package)
Global.cTitle = Lable & Global.cVersion
Activity.Title = Global.cTitle
Add = False
End If
If Add Then
bd = PM.GetApplicationIcon(Package)
lstFavApps.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap(Lable, Package, bd.Bitmap)
tabApps.CurrentTab = 1
End If
End If
If (AllLabels.Size > 0) Then
AllLabels = Global.FavIni.sortList(AllLabels)
For i = 0 To AllLabels.Size - 1
Package = AllApps.Get(AllLabels.Get(i))
Lable = PM.GetApplicationLabel(Package)
Add = True
If (Package.ToLowerCase = "") AND (Lable.ToLowerCase = "application-favorites") Then
Global.cVersion = " v" & pm.GetVersionName(Package)
Global.cTitle = Lable & Global.cVersion
Activity.Title = Global.cTitle
Add = False
End If
If (Add = True) Then
bd = PM.GetApplicationIcon(Package)
lstAllApps.AddTwoLinesAndBitmap(AllLabels.Get(i), Package, bd.Bitmap)
End If
End If
End Sub
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