Propriete AutoScrollMargin, how set a new Margin Height?


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Hi, I would know how edit this propriete with Basic4PPC? I can use this propriete with Door library but how create a point?
door.SetPropriete("AutoScrollMargin","???") It'll be every time a string and not a system.point...
I want make an effect when we scroll the Form without use the scrollbar...
Thanks for your help and tell me if you don't understand...


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Longtime User
Don't you need a Size not a Point for AutoScrollMargin. Here's both.
   ObjArr1.New1(2) ' Door ObjectArray   
   ObjArr1.SetValue(0, 10, "System.Int32") ' X parameter
   ObjArr1.SetValue(1, 20, "System.Int32") ' Y parameter
   Obj1.New1(False) ' Door Object   
   Obj1.CreateNew2( "System.Drawing.Point" & Obj1.System_Drawing, ObjArr1.Value) ' new Point
   Msgbox(Obj1.RunMethod("ToString")) ' confirm it
   Obj1.CreateNew2( "System.Drawing.Size" & Obj1.System_Drawing, ObjArr1.Value) ' new Size
   Msgbox(Obj1.RunMethod("ToString")) ' confirm it   
   Obj2.New1(False) ' Door Object   
   Obj2.SetProperty2("AutoScrollMargin", Obj1.Value)


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Thanks, in fact Door library can do almost everything :)
Yes it's system.size and not system.point for Margin Height/Width I misspoke...
Thanks again ;)


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Hum I've a new problem, I would know how change the Scrollbar value from AutoScroll... Is it possible? I can't use the ScrollBar from ControlEx because I want up a lot or object when I scrolldown, I know that I can use a panel but I want a background image too with a lot of transparent control...
Thanks for your replies!

Edit: I think it's AutoScrollPosition... I'm verifing...
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Active Member
Licensed User
The scrollbar auto (AutoScroll)... It's ok, it work with AutoScrollPosition :) I'm using this for change the ScrollBar value when I click on a control who is on the bottom, when I click on it the scrollbar go to the same position of the control for a best view...
With the scrollbar from ControlEx we've to set on the _ValueChanged, which control move with the scrollbar and with a lot of control it's hard but with the AutoScroll we've not to set which control follows the scrollbar value, it's better...