iOS Question provide an app version that was built with Maps SDK for iOS v2.6 or higher


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Google says that "Your projects listed below still have usage from apps using Google Maps SDKs v2.5 or lower. Adjust your SDK dependencies to provide your users with a working app version and let them know that the previous versions will stop working".

I have some difficulties to understand which app of mine (or which app versions of my app) still use 2.5 SDK.
Where can I check it ?

Johan Hormaza

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Johan Hormaza

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I have read that post, but my question is the same
Yes, but did you do as Erel explains?
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I want for now to understand which versions of my app that have been downloaded from the AppStore were compiled using the old SDK.
Where can I check this ? Reading the APK with a text editor ?
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Thank you for your efforts to help me, but I'm in troubles

  1. I'm not sure if I have already updated my development PC with the new SDK, probably yes, I will check later
  2. I get a message from Google that say, some app of mine still use the old SDK and I want to identify which customer are. I know each customer which app version has installed, but I don't know which sdk is running in that app version.
  3. If I open the source code of the app with B4i and add the two lines you mention, I obtain as result the SDK that is installed on my PC, not the SDK that was used in the APK
So I'm trying to understand if it is possible reading the APK to sort out the GoogleMap SDK version. Then I can identify which customer are running an old version of the app and force them to update.

Otherwise, I have to wait a lot of phone call on the same day ....
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I know which is the app involved and my actual versionon in the store has the correct Map SDK.
But many customer keep the app not updated and have installed some old versions that were built with the old SDK.
I don't remember when I have updated the SDK and starting from which version.

So, again, my question in this post is: I have the backup of all the APKs version and source code I have published, how can I understand which one has the correct SDK and wich not ?
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In an empirical and unscientific way

contents of the "old" folder ( GoogleMaps.bundle )

content of the "new" (GoogleMaps.bundle)

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Empirical but working !
I have identified now the version and the customers that need and update.
Thanks a lot ?
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