In IOS for subscriptions , we have to manage the start end dates etc. I dont have any idea for android . Does manager.getownedproducts brings us if there is a valid subscription with every app start ? so we dont have to store any info in any database ? So, simply can we say that
1)check ownedproducts with every app run
2) if there is a valid subscription is ownedproducts continue to show content. ( question here is if the subscriptions expred , is this item going to be removed from the ownedproducts ? )
if not can you describe a bit. ?
Thank you
In IOS for subscriptions , we have to manage the start end dates etc. I dont have any idea for android . Does manager.getownedproducts brings us if there is a valid subscription with every app start ? so we dont have to store any info in any database ? So, simply can we say that
1)check ownedproducts with every app run
2) if there is a valid subscription is ownedproducts continue to show content. ( question here is if the subscriptions expred , is this item going to be removed from the ownedproducts ? )
if not can you describe a bit. ?
Thank you
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