Does any one know if the DSFloatlabelEditText floating label color can be changed?
I have tried hintcolor and base color
I may also add that I see I can change the colorAccent to be the color I want but my ideal scenario is to change the color based on the color of the section they are in when using the app.
So I have 3 sections.. 1st is gray and 2nd is yellow....
When in section 1, hint color is gray...
Does any one know if the DSFloatlabelEditText floating label color can be changed?
I have tried hintcolor and base color
I may also add that I see I can change the colorAccent to be the color I want but my ideal scenario is to change the color based on the color of the section they are in when using the app.
So I have 3 sections.. 1st is gray and 2nd is yellow....
When in section 1, hint color is gray...
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