i want in libary get my resourceID from B4A Visual Designer,after give to my library.
because in libary have "findViewById" function,he need this id.
the under code not work now ,when i give resourceName=1 the resourceId=1
it is from this post in 2012 :
if i give 99999,the resourceId=99999
if give other english name all is 0
and i have tried this ,not work too.
because in libary have "findViewById" function,he need this id.
the under code not work now ,when i give resourceName=1 the resourceId=1
it is from this post in 2012 :
if i give 99999,the resourceId=99999
if give other english name all is 0
mVideoView = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.surface_view);
//for my project, I had to change it into:
vitamioExt = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.surface_view)
BA.applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier("mediacontroller_seekbar", "drawable", BA.packageName);