Railway station clock


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When I tried to help someone with the trigonometry, I felt that this job could be finished. The result is a railway station clock. Uses “DrawThickLine” from Erel. The digital clock is only to control the analog clock and because it’s so easy. Just for fun.


  • db_clock.sbp
    2.5 KB · Views: 663


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Very good,
I hear the voice from the railwayguard: "mind the gab"


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Thanks for your friendly comments.

@ Klaus: “Wer hat’s erfunden? Die Schweizer, oder (Ingenieur Hans Hilfiker, 1944).


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Longtime User
Hallo wolfang.
Auf deine Frage:

“Wer hat’s erfunden? Die Schweizer, oder (Ingenieur Hans Hilfiker, 1944).

habe Ich folgene Antwort:
Der Schweizer Ingenieur Hans Hilfiker hatt sie kreiert, in 1944, er war dahmals Angestellter der Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen. Der heutige Desing stammt aus 1955.
hilfiker clan - hilfiker hans 1901-1993
Ich weiss das aber auch erst seit Heute.

Als Herausforderung könntest Du ja mal versuchen seine Uhr nachzubilden.Die Bewegung des Sekundenzeigers ist nämlich etwas schwieriger als die die in den beiden Beispielen im obigen Link nachgebildet ist.
Der Sekundenzeiger macht eine volle Umdrehung mit konstater Geschwindugkeit in 59 Sekunden, und hält 1 dann Sekunde auf 12 Uhr an. Das ist das Signal zur Abfaurt der Züge. Während dieser Sekunde bewegt sich der Minutenzeiger um 1 Minute.
Die richteige Bewgung sieht man hier.
SBB: Reisen. Fahrplan - Ticket Shop - News - Angebote - Billette und Abonnemente - Freizeit - Ausflüge - Europareisen

Hi wolfgang,
On your question
Who invented it, the swiss or the engineer Hans Hilfiker in 1944 ?

The answer is:
The swiss engineer Hans Hilfiker designed it in 1944, he was at that time employee of the Swiss Fedaral Railways.

As a challenge cou could try to reproduce his clock. The movement of the second hand is somewhat more difficult that those shown in this Link.
hilfiker clan - hilfiker hans 1901-1993
The second hand makes one full revolution in 59 seconds and then stopps for 1 second at 12h. That is the signal for the departure of the trains. During this time the minute hand moves 1 minute.
The real movement can be seen here:
SBB: Reisen. Fahrplan - Ticket Shop - News - Angebote - Billette und Abonnemente - Freizeit - Ausflüge - Europareisen

Beste Grüsse, Best regards and good luck.


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Hi wolfgang,

I agree with the others, pretty nice !!!

I expect I would find it so, too...

But unfortunately I'm using 6.90 and Erel said back in May that he didn't know when he would fix the bug that prevents use of ArrayList with Polygon, as in this program. And I imagine that he is too involved with Android. Also I do not feel inclined to pay for updates in order to get bug fixed!

So would anyone like to re-cast the code to use plain arrays or a structure? I might do it myself, as an exercise, but not very soon...



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Longtime User
I think this might do what you are asking for. The second hand moves just more than 6 degrees every second and waits for 1 second at the top.


  • db_clock_updated.sbp
    2.8 KB · Views: 429


Well-Known Member
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I think this might do what you are asking for. The second hand moves just more than 6 degrees every second and waits for 1 second at the top.

Thanks for that; very neat. Also for retaining the comments to show how the compact use of Array() to set up the structure is working.
