B4J Question Raspberry pi IR remote reciever?


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For the project I am working on (yet another audio media player), I have some old IR remotes kicking around that dont go to anything anymore. I was wondering if I can use them in a B4J app?

I found a Pi library that handles IR remotes, its called lirc_rpi. But I cant find any cross references on getting it working outside of people wanting to "send codes", as well as B4J in general.

any ideas?


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Well from what I have gathered, its a kernel level driver that maps the IR receiver to a /dev path on the device. So I assume I open the LIRC as an input device and read it like it was a keyboard? thats the thing I dotn know.

I dont want to send codes. I want to use a regular old remote that I program into the pi with lirc, and control my B4J app with it. thats all I am looking to do.
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