I have a query (SELECT), and I am using Command.ExecuteTable for showing rows in a table. After that, I want to select one row, click a button and show another form with detailed information for this row.
I am using Table.SelectedRow for determine which row is selected, but I don't know how to query my row. I mean, I know the INDEX in the table, but I can't use DataReader.GetValue or DataReader.ReadNextRow to select my row.
Any idea? I am looking for something in the way ReadRow(INDEX)... Do you know what I mean???
PD.- Sorry for asking so many things, but I have just discover Basic4PPC, and I am enjoying a lot, doing more things in two days than using SprintDB in months.
I am using Table.SelectedRow for determine which row is selected, but I don't know how to query my row. I mean, I know the INDEX in the table, but I can't use DataReader.GetValue or DataReader.ReadNextRow to select my row.
Any idea? I am looking for something in the way ReadRow(INDEX)... Do you know what I mean???
PD.- Sorry for asking so many things, but I have just discover Basic4PPC, and I am enjoying a lot, doing more things in two days than using SprintDB in months.