Save As


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I have asked this same question and posted on the forum as a request well over a year ago. Since Windows95 every application I've seen that saves some data uses SAVE and SAVE_AS. My I ask why B4A doesn't have such basic feature ???

I just have override some file (I did not intended to) :-( and I'm pissed of!



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BEFOR you open the project, copy all the files to a new folder, then come back to it and open it.. edit it... save it. Now you have the old version safe in another place, and the new updated version.


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yes, yes, thanks for sugestions, but
I figured out that much before ...

it is like asking somebody using Windows copying files by typing COPY....
in command line. Implementing SAVE AS is pretty easy as it is a standart (especially it is available in Designer but not in IDE).



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Well, in a certain way I agree with you. But I am now rather used to Export to Zip before applying any major changes.

However, there are other ways:

1) For a long time I kept my project-files in the Dropbox-folder and worked directly in this folder on my computer. Dropbox offers a possibility to grab previous files which indeed has saved me a few times. However, I believe Erel mentioned somewhere that working this way with Dropbox may not be the best solution although I never had problems with Dropbox.

2) Now I am doing everything using GIT. There is a site called Bitbucket which lets you for free keep private project whereas GitHub only allows public projects unless you pay a small monthly fee. Then you can use a free client such as Source Tree or GitHub for Windows to manage and handle your projects. This is great as a backup, to enforce you to write down changes you've made to your apps (how many times haven't your users asked you for the change-log?) but most importantly to revert any commits you may have done. It takes some to set up but once configured properly, it is great. You can use tools such as "diffs" which let you see the changes in your code etc. In addition, it is great when working in a team. It is also great when I work with my private apps during my lunch-break at work. When I get home, I just pull the changes down and my project at home is up-to-date. Of course, this works viceversa as well.

Just some thoughts...


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As a new-boy to this I have just fallen foul of the lack of the typical SaveAs.

I've read Erel's answer to the question in his previous post but, respectfully it asks another question rather than answering one.

This isn't the only application that needs to save a multitude of files in a multitude of folders, hence it creates these folders/files when a new project is started. Repeating that whole process with a 'new name' - 'SaveAs' is what would be expected from a Windows program running on the Windows platform.

As a new-boy to this, personally I would like to see a 'Save Source Code As' so that it's quick and easy to revert back to, 'just before I messed it all up' :)

Other than that, I think this Basic4Android is a fantastic tool, making things possible for a person such as myself that would have otherwise been beyond my comprehension.


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Just to understand. Do you want a Save As button that duplicates all the files and folders?

Isn't a single zip file with everything is better to store previous versions?

For me personally, now that I know how it works its fine as it is. The 'Export as Zip file' does provide a backup to revert back to.

However, for a novice such as I, I will be prone to making not just schoolboy errors but also messing things up without realising it and creating issues that then become very difficult to to resolve because of my lack of experience.

The 'habit' I have (as I'm sure most people do) with other applications is to SaveAs 'filename1' - SaveAs 'filename2' and so on as they develop whatever.

I can of course do the same thing with this application but remember to 'export as zip' instead. In other words I need to develop another 'habit' when using this application.

Perhaps in a future update we'll see a 'SaveAs' button which offers the option to...

Save all in a 'new folder' or save all in a 'New Zip File' with either option being settable as default, hopefully that would suit everyone.