iOS Question Send Firebase Notification to Token Help Please???


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Longtime User
Hi there

Whilst the code to send to a particular topic works well, there seems to be no example for IOS to send to a particular token. Can someone please advise how can I please make that work?

NB: The code below works for topic based notifications

In my Main, I have the following methods

Private Sub Application_PushToken (Success As Boolean, Token() As Byte)
    FirebaseToken = bc.HexFromBytes(Token)
   Log("pushtoken: " & FirebaseToken)
End Sub

Private Sub fm_FCMConnected
   'here we can subscribe and unsubscribe from topics
   fm.SubscribeToTopic("ios_general") 'add ios_ prefix to all topics
   'modTGIF.FirebaseToken = GetToken
   Log("connected token: " & GetToken)
End Sub

Private Sub GetToken As String
   Dim no As NativeObject
   Dim token As NativeObject = no.Initialize("FIRInstanceID").RunMethod("instanceID", Null).RunMethod("token", Null)
   If token.IsInitialized Then Return token.AsString Else Return ""
End Sub

Private Sub Application_RemoteNotification (Message As Map, CompletionHandler As CompletionHandler)
   Dim msg As Map = Message
   Log($"Message arrived: ${Message}"$)
   'get the data from the notification
   Dim notifid As String = modMashiane.StateManager.GetSetting("notification")
   If notifid = "" Then notifid = "1"
   Dim from_id As String = msg.GetDefault("from_id","")
   Dim from_token As String = msg.GetDefault("from_token","")
   Dim to_id As String = msg.GetDefault("to_id","")
   Dim to_token As String = msg.GetDefault("to_token","")
   Dim body As String = msg.GetDefault("body","")
   Dim title As String = msg.GetDefault("title","")
   Dim notif_type As String = msg.GetDefault("notif_type","")
   Dim todayJSON As String = msg.GetDefault("currentpage","")
   If from_id.Length > 0 And from_token.Length > 0 Then
      'save the tokens for later retrieval
      modMashiane.StateManager.SetSetting("firebase_" & from_id, from_token)
    Log("From Firebase Token Saved.")
   End If
   If to_id.Length > 0 And to_token.Length > 0 Then
      'save the tokens for later retrieval
      modMashiane.StateManager.SetSetting("firebase_" & to_id, to_token)
    Log("To Firebase Token Saved.")
   End If
   ' only show a notification if its not coming from me
   'If from_id <> modTGIF.auser_id Then
      Dim n As Notification
    n.PlaySound = True
      Select Case notif_type
    Case modMashiane.NotifEnum.request
        n.AlertBody = body
        'n.SetInfo(title, body, frmNotifications)
      Case modMashiane.NotifEnum.following 
        n.AlertBody = body
        modMashiane.StateManager.setSetting("otheruser", from_id) 
        'n.SetInfo(title, body, frmProfileOther)
        n.AlertBody = body
        modMashiane.StateManager.SetSetting("currentpage", todayJSON)
        'n.SetInfo(title, body, frmLikes)
    Case modMashiane.NotifEnum.comment
        n.AlertBody = body
        modMashiane.StateManager.SetSetting("currentpage", todayJSON)
        'n.SetInfo(title, body, frmComments)
    Case Else
        n.AlertBody = body
        'n.SetInfo(title, body, Null)
      End Select
    'App.ApplicationIconBadgeNumber = 1
    'Dim id As Int = notifid
    'id = id + 1
End Sub

Private Sub Application_Active
   fm.FCMConnect 'should be called from Application_Active
End Sub

Private Sub Application_Background
   fm.FCMDisconnect 'should be called from Application_Background
End Sub

In Process_Globals I have..

Public analytics As FirebaseAnalytics
    Public fm As FirebaseMessaging
Private bc As ByteConverter

and in my Application_Start

    App.RegisterUserNotifications(True, True, True)

And the edited topic based firebase method is...

public Sub FireBaseSendNotification2Topic(frm As Object, JobName As String, Topic As String, Title As String, notifMap As Map)
    'read from the saved map
    Dim from_id As String = notifMap.get("from_id")
    Dim from_name As String = notifMap.get("from_name")
    Dim from_token As String = notifMap.get("from_token")
    Dim notif_type As String = notifMap.get("notif_type")
    Dim about As String = notifMap.GetDefault("about","")
    Dim id As String = notifMap.GetDefault("id","")
    Dim Body As String
    Select Case notif_type
    Case "project"
        Body = about & ": New Donation Project"
    Case "event"
        Body = about & ": New Event"
    Case "announcement"
        Body = about & ": New Announcement"
    Case "registered"
        Body = from_name & ": Registered"
    Case "online"
        Body = from_name & " is online now."
    Case "tookpicture"
        Body = from_name & " has taken a picture."
    Case "uploadpicture"
        Body = from_name & " has uploaded a picture."
    Case "reveal"
        Body = from_name & " has revealed his picture(s)."
    End Select
    Dim data As Map
    data.Put("title", Title)
    data.Put("icon", "new")
    data.Put("delay_while_idle", True)
    data.Put("from_id", from_id)
    data.put("from_name", from_name)
    data.Put("from_token", from_token)
    data.put("dry_run", False)
    data.Put("body", Body)
    data.Put("id", id)
    data.Put("notif_type", notif_type)
    ' define the notification 
   Dim Job As HttpJob
   Job.Initialize("firebase", frm)
   Job.Tag = "firebasenotification"
   Dim m As Map = CreateMap("to": $"/topics/${Topic}"$)
   m.Put("data", data)
   If Topic.StartsWith("ios_") Then
    Dim iosalert As Map =  CreateMap("title": Title, "body": Body, "sound": "default")
    m.Put("notification", iosalert)
    m.Put("priority", 10)
   End If
   Dim jg As JSONGenerator
    Job.PostString("", jg.ToString)
    Job.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "key=" & modTGIF.FireBaseApiKey)
End Sub

1. From one of the forum posts, the GetToken method "sometimes" returns a token and "sometimes" it does not.
2. Does fm.FCMConnect create a new token, if so where can that be trapped and used
3. The Application_PushToken is different from GetToken, thus which one should I use?

Part of the b4a code to send to a token was defined as

Dim m As Map = CreateMap("to": $"${id}"$)

where the id is the token, does b4i use a similar approach?

I also saw an example using this methid

'Private Sub CheckForPushMessage
'   If App.LaunchOptions.IsInitialized And App.LaunchOptions.ContainsKey("UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey") Then
'     Dim data As Object = App.LaunchOptions.Get("UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey")
'     Dim no As NativeObject = App
'     no.GetField("delegate").RunMethod("application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:", Array(App, data))
'   End If
'End Sub

I presume this is not relevant for Firebase??

As I'm new to this, perhaps there are things I might have confused, there are numerous posts to this topic, so please bear with me and help out if you can.
