Tank you
But I can't find printer with Bluetooth
I did find with wifi
is it possible to convert this code to b4a ? or send to this app intent ?
<how to show this ?>
2.2.5.Sample code for supporting Wi-Fi
Import the library into source code. import com.brother.ptouch.sdk.Printer; import com.brother.ptouch.sdk.PrinterInfo; import com.brother.ptouch.sdk.PrinterStatus; import android.hardware.usb. LabelInfo;
The sample of print function public void print(){ Thread trd = new Thread(new Runnable(){
@override public void run() { String externalStorageDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString(); //print setting Printer printer = new Printer(); PrinterInfo printInfo = new PrinterInfo(); printInfo.printerModel = PrinterInfo.Model.PT_P750W; printInfo.port = PrinterInfo.Port.NET; printInfo.ipAddress = ""; printInfo.labelNameIndex = LabelInfo.PT.W24.ordinal(); printer.setPrinterInfo(printInfo);
</how to show this ?>
Tank you